The HP M403D printer is connected to a WIN XP computer. Another WIN 7 computer has a printer driver installed, but this printer cannot be shared normally

The HP M403D printer is connected to a WIN XP computer. Another WIN 7 computer has a printer driver installed, but this printer cannot be shared normally
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The first step is to find out whether your Win7 is 32-bit or 64 bit, and then go to the HP official website to download the 32-bit or 64 bit driver of Win7 for the M403 printer. The second step is to unzip the downloaded driver and save it (it is recommended to create a [Driver] directory and unzip the downloaded driver into the directory). Step 3: enter the Win7 [Devices and Printers] control panel, add a printer → add a local printer → create a new port, select the port type: Local Port, and enter the port name: the name of the computer host connected to the printer printer share name, for example: the administrative department printer. Press [OK], select [Install from Disk], and then find any. inf in the printer driver directory, for example: hpbuio160l.inf. Select it, click [Open], and press [OK] to install the driver. By the way, only the XP host directly connected to the M403d can be used normally. The shared host must be Win7 or above; If the XP host wants to share and connect it, don't even think about it. It can't be used even if it is installed.

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This printer is used in our office. There are 8 computers in the office, all of which are WIN7 systems, with 32 bits and 64 bits. After sharing, every time the printer is turned on and off, the printer must be printed first, and other shared computers can print normally. It is very rubbish. HP after-sales has no feasible solution.

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ZOL Q&A > Laser printer > HP laser printer > HP M403d > HP M403D printer connected to WIN


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 The HP M403D printer is connected to a WIN XP computer. Another WIN 7 computer has a printer driver installed, but this printer cannot be shared normally

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