Is the screen of LeEco 2Pro track version easy to break

Is the screen of LeEco 2Pro track version easy to break
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Today's intelligence mobile phone Generally, they are not resistant to falling. Although there are three prevention and fall prevention models, there are still a few, and the starting value is not high. They don't want to change the screen. The owner should pay more attention when using it. Then buy a silicone protective sleeve.

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It can be said that these large screens mobile phone They are all vulnerable. It is recommended to use a silicone soft cover. The so-called belt cover is safer.

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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > LeEco mobile phone > LeEco 2 Pro (X25 version/Crest version > Is the screen of LeEco 2Pro track version easy to break


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 Is the screen of LeEco 2Pro track version easy to break

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