Is Lemon x3 worth buying now? Jingdong official website 1199

Is Lemon x3 worth buying now? Jingdong official website 1199
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The price performance of X3 is very good now. The landlord can consider buying it.
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1300RMB, Lenovo Lemon X3 dual 4G, Bruce Lee 808+3GRAM+32GROM, 5.5 inches High definition screen+800W/2100W (IMX230) camera+3600mAh battery can be quickly charged, running Android 5.1, supporting 128GTF card, full time HIFI, game daily photography HIFI all-around mobile phone

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In terms of the price of 1199, the price performance of Lemon x3 is good. The Snapdragon 808 has good performance and appearance. Hifi is a highlight. This price should be said to be rare. If you don't like playing games but like listening to music, you can choose a good choice.

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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Lenovo mobile phone > Lenovo Lemon X3 (dual 4G) > Is Lemon x3 worth buying now? Jingdong official website 119


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 Is Lemon x3 worth buying now? Jingdong official website 1199

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