Which is better to buy Qiku's flagship dual 4G mobile phone or All Netcom????

Which is better to buy Qiku's flagship dual 4G mobile phone or All Netcom????
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It is suggested that the building owner make a choice according to his actual use needs.
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Hello, please refer to the specific parameters and comparison between them http://detail.zol.com.cn/series/57/37121/param_19347_0_1.html?from=360onebox

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It depends on the demand. If you use a telecom card and use a dual 4g, isn't it trouble?


Are there any differences in their configurations??


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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Qiku mobile phone > Qiku Ultimate (16GB ROM/Dual 4G > Which is better, Qiku's flagship dual 4G mobile phone or All Netcom

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 Which is better to buy Qiku's flagship dual 4G mobile phone or All Netcom????

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