Why does my Apple 6 always display the headset mode without a headset?

Why does my Apple 6 always display the headset mode without a headset?
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Switch from Chinese to English. Shut down and restart immediately after the switch. It is absolutely OK, mobile phone Well, you can't switch back. You can beat me. Don't thank me. I'm living Lei Feng Why does my Apple 6 always display the headset mode without a headset?
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Just now, this kind of situation suddenly appeared. The sound of music was not heard. The headset mode was always displayed. Wearing headphones to listen to music was only music. The friend upstairs said that it was really good to wipe off the headset hole with a paper towel.
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Don't plug in the earphone while playing the song. Just charge it for a while. I just finished my work! You can try
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my mobile phone This is also the case. After seeing the method upstairs, the result was really good. I got some wool in my pants pocket from the earphone. This method is really good. I must praise it
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Personally, it should be yours mobile phone There is a problem with the headphone jack of. It may be the contact strip in the socket.

It is recommended to insert the earphone for several circles, and then pull it out to see whether it returns to normal.

If the headset mode is still used, it is recommended to go to the Apple after-sales service point for repair.

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my mobile phone It was 6sp that had been used for two months. Suddenly, the earphone mode started. I don't know why. It was shut down and restarted, and it was returned to the factory. It was useless to use napkins. I found that I was better when charging, but I don't know why
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I also use cotton swab to wipe headset Hole, fixed
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After seeing the method upstairs, I poked in with a cotton swab, and it was good!
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 Why does my Apple 6 always display the headset mode without a headset?

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