TF card cannot be opened. It needs to be formatted before opening

TF card cannot be opened. It needs to be formatted before opening
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Is it possible to open it without formatting? There are still many photos in it that haven't been saved. It can't be formatted

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You must not format it. This situation can be recovered. You can find a recovery expert to help you look at it
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Hang the TF card to the USB port of the computer, save the data, save as much as you can, then the TF card cannot be saved, and you are ready to buy a new card.

360 File Restorer. 360 File Restorer is a file recovery tool developed by 360 Security Center. It is currently located in the 360 Security Guard's feature book. It can help you quickly recover files that have been deleted by mistake from hard disks, U disks, SD cards and other disk devices.

 TF card cannot be opened. It needs to be formatted before opening

Open first 360 Security Guard , we can see the "full range of functions".

Select More.

 TF card cannot be opened. It needs to be formatted before opening

The following page appears, which is divided into "added functions" and "not added functions"; If you have not added "File Recovery", click "File Recovery" at the "No Functions Added".

 TF card cannot be opened. It needs to be formatted before opening

Click to use File Recovery

 TF card cannot be opened. It needs to be formatted before opening

If you have not downloaded before, the download will be automatically initialized. If you have already downloaded, you can open it directly.

 TF card cannot be opened. It needs to be formatted before opening

Select the drive letter you want to scan. The green tea series here is described by "Removable Disk I".

 TF card cannot be opened. It needs to be formatted before opening

Then click "Scan" to start scanning the deleted files.

 TF card cannot be opened. It needs to be formatted before opening

The left sidebar shows the types of deleted files.

 TF card cannot be opened. It needs to be formatted before opening

Click to view All Folders.

 TF card cannot be opened. It needs to be formatted before opening

After selecting the file, you can start the recovery.

 TF card cannot be opened. It needs to be formatted before opening

Here, the green tea editor chooses to restore to the desktop.

 TF card cannot be opened. It needs to be formatted before opening

This step is successful. You can see the recovered files on the desktop.

 TF card cannot be opened. It needs to be formatted before opening
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Do you often hot plug memory cards? It's easy to have problems. You can only format the memory card without this prompt, and the data in your memory card will disappear after formatting. Please treasure the TF card.

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Generally, if a flash SD card is not recognized by a device, find another device to identify it. If it is not recognized, then use the format. This problem usually occurs because of improper use of the SD card, and most may not even save the format!

However, if formatting is possible, the pictures inside can also be retrieved.




The above is a software that can easily recover the image content of SD. However, it should be noted that the SD card to be processed should not be written, otherwise it may be impossible to find some images.

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No tremor Click Format! Remove the tf card immediately when the device is turned off, connect to the computer through the card reader, download and install a data recovery software on the computer, and try Cloud Knight data recovery software The software supports free download and installation, free scanning preview, etc.

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ZOL Q&A > Flash card > Sandisk flash memory card > SanDisk TF card (512MB) > TF card cannot be opened. It needs to be formatted before opening


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 TF card cannot be opened. It needs to be formatted before opening

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