How about ASUS mobile phone?

How about ASUS mobile phone?
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ASUS mobile phone Not long on the market, intelligent based on WINDOWS MOBILE mobile phone , in terms of operation and performance, HTC Absolutely great. HP's PC is good. Asustek is a rising star, and its status is still slightly behind. Another point is that Asustek's mobile phones are better in the P series. It looks good. MAN is good enough. Compatibility is OK. As long as the WM system supports PDA, it can be used. In fact, no matter which brand it is, it is almost the same as the Windows operating system!

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you1344 Editorial experts


ASUS mobile phone It can only be said that it is average and can not be compared with international first tier brands. After all, ASUS is just starting to make mobile phones. I suggest you buy mobile phones produced by more mature mobile phone manufacturers with quality assurance, such as Apple, Samsung, LG, Huawei

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Asustek mobile phone It hasn't been a long time. Generally, what we do is WM smart phones are not flattering. They are expensive like domestic ones, with a large number of products above 3000. However, the expansion ability, navigation ability and mobile phone quality are good. Asustek's quality is as firm as a rock~

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My ASUS rog3 Black Eye mobile phone After using it for about a year, I suddenly couldn't start the machine. A few days ago, I sent ASUS to repair it. The battery broke, and it cost 305 yuan to replace it. Then the headphone connector also broke, and it couldn't be repaired. I had to directly replace the motherboard, which cost about 3000 yuan. I bought it last August. I used it for more than one year and three months, and it broke after three months of warranty repair. In fact, it broke in August, but I was barely able to start it, so I didn't send it for repair, Now I'm not unwilling to pay maintenance fees. The problem is that ASUS refuses to repair it, so I have to pay 3000 yuan to replace the motherboard. I just broke an interface... This is what a big brand after-sales service is like. When I bought this mobile phone, it became very hot when I played games. Now it has been broken for about a year. It has not been repaired yet. There are various large replacement costs. Who dares to buy ASUS products in the future!? How about ASUS mobile phone?
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ASUS mobile phone It's really rubbish. If you don't start the computer, it's garbled. Tell me about the software problem. When I sent it back, I found that the identification form was for changing the motherboard, cheating the consumer. If you send it back, you still don't start the computer. 5000 yuan was spent for children to play games, and it was scrapped in less than three months!! ASUS after-sales service is even worse, mobile phone They took it from themselves and sent it to me, but I couldn't find it!! Ha ha, the most hateful words of apology are none. The barcode of the packing box sent back was torn. I have now complained to Shanghai Consumer Association.
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