How does Huiwei m50w cook the machine

How does Huiwei m50w cook the machine
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In fact, you don't need to cook specially. Just turn down the volume at the beginning and listen more every day. After a month, you will naturally cook well. If you are eager, you can also concentrate on cooking for a few days. There is no need to use any special software in the oven. In fact, the oven is the process of softening the diaphragm of the speaker. Just listen to Cai Qin's songs, which cover a wide range of areas.

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In fact, you don't need to cook specially. Just turn down the volume at the beginning and listen more every day. After a month, you will naturally cook well. If you are eager, you can also concentrate on cooking for a few days. There is no need to use any special software in the oven. In fact, the oven is the process of softening the diaphragm of the speaker. Just listen to Cai Qin's songs, which cover a wide range of areas.

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There are two ways to cook:

1. The most common way is to play music regularly. This music can be familiar music or some special "burn in CD" (such as the famous Burn in CD and Black Poison). Many experienced burn friends will not torture their favorite machine with some songs with very abnormal recordings, but more will play CDs with uniform full frequency distribution, The volume is generally moderate, and the playing time is regular every day. After a period of time, the sound quality will be improved to a certain extent.

2. For users without special circumstances, this most natural and safe method is recommended, although it may take a longer time. The most common two types of music casseroles Burn in CD and Black Poison also have a way to play professional signal discs, so that the speakers can quickly "age" in a short time to achieve the goal of balanced sound quality. This method takes a short time, but the risk factor is also large. Careless operation is likely to damage the hardware and cause unnecessary losses. The popular oven software actually belongs to this way. The signal generator in the software outputs a single tone frequency to reduce the sound damping coefficient and further improve the sound quality.

Why do so many netizens like to cook the machine (especially the speaker)? Because the sound of many newly purchased speakers is dry and tight: the treble is harsh, and the low-frequency is not deep. This is mainly due to the fact that the dynamic loudspeaker does not enter the optimal state, so the focus of the oven is on the loudspeaker (which is somewhat similar to the main oven diaphragm of the headset). The loudspeaker sound is caused by the coordinated operation of the folding ring, diaphragm, voice coil, centering support, magnetic steel, etc. The process of the oven is to make these elements run in more closely, It further affects some parameters of the whole loudspeaker to improve the sound quality.

There is a key question about speakers: Do some speakers have the "potential" to cook? Ordinary 2.1 speakers, especially those low-cost 2.1 speakers, have no meaning to cook or not to cook. The units and electrical components used in those speakers have very little room for improvement. In the field of multimedia speakers, the really meaningful speakers are specifically the high-end 2.0 speakers, which I believe many users feel. Strictly speaking, the cooker is actually a process of warming up the speakers and returning their performance to the real level, so don't expect the cooker to bring about any "reborn" changes to the speakers. It has limited improvement in sound quality, but for some manufacturers with ulterior motives, they are eager to exaggerate the cooker and make it versatile, In order to cover up the poor sound quality of our products, the cooker has become a lifesaver. Therefore, the majority of netizens should treat the hotpot rationally and not be overly superstitious

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