Can Huiwei Audio M50W be connected to mobile phones for playing?

Can Huiwei Audio M50W be connected to mobile phones for playing?
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Huiwei Audio M50W is a 2.1 active speaker and uses a 3.5mm input socket. You can use an audio cable with 3.5mm plugs at both ends mobile phone connect. If the phone audio interface is 4-segment, you may need to use a dual 3-segment to 4-segment adapter cable. As shown in the figure, it is a double 3-segment to 4-segment adapter line:

 Can Huiwei Audio M50W be connected to mobile phones for playing?

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It can be connected, but only one of the speakers can be connected. Because the impedance of the speaker is relatively large, it is average in the actual sound quality experience.
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Yes, it's an active speaker and can be connected directly mobile phone Used.

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