Ask Hisense T92 for help. What's the problem?

Ask Hisense T92 for help. What's the problem?
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What is the problem that Hisense T92 cannot start?

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In the process of program management - running, a system software was turned off by mistake, and then it could not be turned on. I don't know if this is the case. I was watching someone on Baidu on the Internet saying it was turned off, and I kept pressing the volume "-" and power button at the same time! You can clear user data and settings, which is equivalent to restoring factory settings! I tried it. It seems that I kept pressing these two keys when the Hisense flower was turning there (I didn't remember when to press it, but I didn't say it on the Internet. I pressed it for countless times, and I didn't get the point, but I almost gave up, and finally got a response). Then an Android robot logo came out with English. Don't ask me if I can't remember or understand the meaning of English. You can turn to the dictionary, Anyway, I clicked in one by one. At last, when I saw a recovery, I clicked it. As a result, it was able to start, but it was restored to factory......
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acang11 Trainee expert

Software class

Agree with the upstairs view, and add something to see if it can enter the hard grid state. If it can enter, it will be qualified. If not, it can only be sent to the after-sales service. Good luck to the landlord
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have a look mobile phone Check whether the connector in the middle of the contact seat with the battery is free of elastic indentation. If it is picked out with a steel needle, make it flush with the other two connectors
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Enter the recovery dual clear mode, and if not, the machine will have to be cleaned
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Hello, see if you can enter the machine brushing mode. If you can, try the machine brushing.

If you cannot enter the machine brushing mode, or the machine brushing does not work, it is recommended that you send it to the after-sales service for inspection and maintenance.

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