Wangsq357's Homepage_ZOL Q&A
2020-08-27 Answered the question

What brand of sweeping robot is easy to use? Consider the iRobot Roomba 960. This sweeping robot is equipped with multi-mode automatic intelligent switching technology with iAdapt scenario planning algorithm. It can make more than 60 decisions per second to adapt to the changing home environment. When it is necessary to clean the dust and dirt accumulated at the edge and corner of the wall, Roomba will automatically switch to clean the corner View Full Text

2020-08-27 Answered the question

What brand of integrated cooker can you buy? It's more reassuring that Yitian integrated cooker uses LED lights, which have excellent energy saving performance and proper brightness, so that you can clean the color of ingredients when cooking, and users can cook more delicious dishes. Yitian integrated stove adopts tempered glass stove panel, which is noble and elegant, making the kitchen full of fashionable flavor. At the same time, the panel is smooth, easy to clean, and the appearance adopts stainless steel edging design, so that View Full Text

2020-08-26 Answered the question

What brand of integrated cooker is easier to use? We have installed Senge integrated cooker, which has been used for more than half a year. Compared with the previous range hood, Senge integrated cooker has many advantages. After replacing the Senge integrated cooker, there is no need to worry about replacing the gas cooker in the future, which also saves a lot of kitchen space. In addition, the oil smoke removal rate of Senge integrated stove can reach 99.95%, which is convenient to clean, beautiful, and cost-effective View Full Text

2020-08-26 Answered the question

Can the integrated cooker buy Yitian? Yitian integrated cooker has an extremely large oil collection box, which is about 4 to 5 times larger than the ordinary integrated cooker, strengthening the oil collection function of the integrated cooker and reducing the number of times users pour oil.

2020-08-26 Answered the question

What are the first line brands of integrated stoves? Normal range hoods absorb the lampblack upward and then discharge it from the upper pipe. The smoke outlet of the integrated cooker is closer to the pot itself, the smoke exhaust distance is very short, the lampblack is discharged from the side and rear, the smoke exhaust efficiency is higher, and it can protect the cabinet, so it is particularly suitable for Chinese families who like to stir fry. It is recommended that you use a Martian integrated cooker.

2020-08-26 Answered the question

 When will Apple AirPods 3 be released? For Apple, the AirPods series has become a very attractive product, and the two previous generations have shown good market performance. If they continue to rely on their old money, it is estimated that many users will not buy it. According to the latest news, Apple will adjust the AirPods 3. Specifically, change its appearance design to make it more fundamentally different from the previous two generations View Full Text

2020-08-24 Answered the question

What are the series of products of Yitian integrated cooker? In terms of ease of use, I still recommend that you buy a hidden tachograph, but when you buy a tachograph, you should also look at these points: 1. Resolution, 1080P is enough. 2. Number of frames. Select 30FPS or above. 3. Aperture. FNO is just between 1.6-2.2. 4. Lens angle. The FOV is 130-150.

2020-08-24 Answered the question

Which brand of DASH CAM is trustworthy? In terms of ease of use, I still recommend that you buy a hidden tachograph, but when you buy a tachograph, you also need to look at these points: 1. Resolution, 1080P is enough. 2. Number of frames. Select 30FPS or above. 3. Aperture. FNO is just between 1.6-2.2. 4. Lens angle. The FOV is 130-150.

2020-08-24 Answered the question

How long is the life of the steaming and baking machine? The first step of a healthy kitchen is a smokeless kitchen. In terms of the smoke absorption effect, Senge integrated the smoke exhaust mode at the side of the stove, combined with the strong exhaust system, the smoke absorption rate reached more than 99%, making the smoke nowhere to escape. In order to have a better use experience, Senge integrated cooker also adopts triple oil smoke separation technology, which only smoke but not oil, ensuring no oil smoke and making it easier for daily cleaning View Full Text

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