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How much is the joining fee of Waxiangji

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How much is the joining fee of Waxiangji
Question time: 12:18:34, November 25, 2020
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Other answers (2 in total)
  • Many people like to eat the spicy and delicious Waxiang chicken, which is also a traditional food. It can be used to entertain friends every major festival or festival. There are many friends who want to join the store. How much is the joining fee of Waxiangji? The headquarters will charge about 30000 to 50000 yuan for the normal franchise fee if the brand is selected. Waxiang chicken has formed a very special taste in the production process. Most of them are native chickens raised by villages and hillsides, and the corresponding seasonings are cooked in tile pots. The cooking method is very special, forming a different taste. It tastes more fresh and tender, and has high nutritional value. The rich taste makes more customers favor the Waxiang chicken food here.
    Answer time: 2020-11-26 15:25:12
  • There are many specialty snack brand stores in the catering industry. People are very satisfied with the Waxiang chicken food. Many people want to open franchise stores. So, how much is the franchise fee for Waxiang chicken? The franchise fee is not high, and there are many brand choices. Normal brand companies will charge about 30000 to 50000 yuan of franchise fees when signing contracts, so they can obtain brand management rights. The expenses required for the later operation should be fully prepared. The food is easy to make. As long as the company has trained and used the raw materials delivered by the company, the food can be cooked better, and the production process is also unique. It can make food from earthen pots, so the meat is tender and the nutritional value is rich.
    Answer time: 2020-11-26 13:46:27