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Start calculation
The budget for this decoration style is: two hundred and sixteen thousand eight hundred and fifty-six element
Labor cost: two hundred and twenty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty-one element
Material cost: forty-five thousand two hundred and fifteen element
Design fee: one hundred and twenty-two element
Quality inspection fee: one thousand two hundred and thirty-one element
Your home decoration budget is about seven point eight nine 10000 yuan
Labor cost: two hundred and twenty-two thousand eight hundred and fifty-one element
Material cost: forty-five thousand two hundred and fifteen element
Design fee: zero element 4999 yuan
Quality inspection fee: zero element 2690 yuan
Questions about quotation? The decoration housekeeper will call you later
The quotation is semi package price of blank, and the actual decoration quotation is subject to the actual measurement
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Company Profile
National one-stop decoration service platform, more than 70% of customers come from word of mouth, and the Housing Committee of China Building Decoration Association has designated the most reliable decoration platform. At present, branches and experience stores have been opened in 16 cities. In February 2017, it was listed on the New Third Board.
Date of establishment
Beijing China
Place of establishment
Home decoration service
Main business
120W people
800W people
Cumulative service

Which one is better for Beijing SPA decoration

360 Q&A

156 views 2024-06-22 03:03

Beijing SPA decoration which good?
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