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The main station continuously commented that "Taiwan independence" would be a thunderbolt if it did not rein in the precipice!

Source: CCTV News Client
2024-05-24 21:25

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The main station continuously commented that "Taiwan independence" would be a thunderbolt if it did not rein in the precipice!

From May 23 to 24, the "Joint Sword 2024A" exercise was held around Weitai Island, the eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

Taiwan Central Television News has continuously broadcast commentary articles, saying that Taiwan is China's Taiwan, not Taiwan's "Taiwan independence" force. The sharp sword to kill "independence" in the eastern war zone is in place. If "Taiwan independence" does not rein in on the precipice, it will be a thunderbolt waiting for it!

Hot Comments on Both Sides of the Taiwan Straits: The artifact of killing "independence" is in place. There is no remedy for the self destructor

When the news of the PLA military drill came out, many local media immediately released it, and the headlines were basically linked to Lai's "Taiwan independence" speech; On the island's online platform, Taiwanese netizens said that the military exercise was because "Lai Qingde provoked the other side and undermined peace in the Taiwan Strait", and denounced "Lai Qingde pushed Taiwan people to the brink of war".

What are the characteristics of this exercise? Zhang Chi, a military expert, believes that there are three "innovations":

First, the "new normal". In recent years, as long as the "Taiwan independence" forces provoke once, the PLA will make progress. The mainland has formed a "anti sausage" trend through a series of military operations;

The second is "new breakthrough". The geographical location of Wuqiu Island and Dongyin Island is very important, and they are regarded as the most outposts of defense operations by the Taiwan army. This time, the PLA further squeezed the space for the activities of the Taiwan army;

The third is the "new model". Taiwan is an isolated island. Once it is besieged, it is easy for the economy to collapse. This exercise focused on the new model of blockade of Taiwan Island.

The People's Liberation Army has a long feather in its hand to use the magic weapon of "independence" to point to "Taiwan independence". It will effectively punish the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces for seeking "independence", and seriously warn external forces for interference and provocation.>> details

Sun Moon Tan Tian: This military exercise warned Lai Qingde that if he dares to provoke "independence", his sword will come out immediately!

This military exercise is a warning to Lai Qingde: if you dare to plan an "independent" challenge, the sword will be drawn immediately! The five significant characteristics highlight the unprecedented "independence" mode of the PLA.

One is drill code.

The second is five encirclement circles.

Third, the island chain is integrated inside and outside.

Fourth, military exercises were held at the Hualien Base of the Taiwan Air Force, which is close to the "strategic rear" and "the second wartime command post" of the DPP authorities.

Fifthly, the three dimensions of "point, line and plane" have formed a threat to Taiwan Island.

The PLA's military operations in the Taiwan Strait have gradually achieved the goal of "closing the door and hitting the dog", "locking the turtle in the jar", aircraft carrier patrol to the east, internal resistance and external sealing, falsification of the "middle line", normal control, integration of peace and war, and joint front.>> details

Taiwan Strait Review: Sword! The PLA Punishes Lai Qingde for Seeking "Independence"

Taiwan is China's Taiwan, not Taiwan of "Taiwan independence" forces. The PLA's sword display is a necessary just punishment. It is a resolute and forceful practical action to warn Lai Qingde and the DPP authorities that more than 1.4 billion Chinese people, including the PLA, will never allow "troublemakers" and "saboteurs of peace in the Taiwan Strait" to do whatever they want, and any act of division and confrontation must pay a heavy price!

The compatriots on both sides of the Straits belong to the Chinese nation and are all Chinese. No one wants to reunify the motherland through peaceful means more than we do. However, good words are hard to persuade. We must counter and punish Lai Qingde's radical and adventurous "Taiwan independence" stance. No one should underestimate the strong determination, determination and ability of the Chinese People's Army to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. If the "Taiwan independence" elements who betray the nation and split the country do not stop, they will be smashed to pieces by the iron fist.>> details

Editor in charge: Chi Yuyang

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