Zhonggong Entertainment

Adassi said something delicious, fun and good-looking! Altay's Intangible Cultural Heritage

Source: Tianshan.com
2024-05-24 19:45

Original title: Adassi said something delicious, fun and good-looking! Altay's Intangible Cultural Heritage

After the baptism of years and the precipitation of time, Altay has his own mark. The uncanny workmanship of nature has made the mountains, rivers and grasslands here magnificent and magnificent, and the folk culture handed down from generation to generation has made Altay more rich and three-dimensional. Today, Adaxi takes you to Altay to experience the charm of intangible cultural heritage.

Supervisor: Ding Tao Yang Tao

Planner: Ge Huiqin

Copy: Li Na

Anchor: Ahiti Mijiti

Editor: Kanati Hulmania

Editor and director: Guligene Elken

Checked by: Lin Han

Editor in charge: Chi Yuyang

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