Zhonggong Entertainment

"Destination Wedding" has changed more than marriage customs

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-24 14:52

 Comments on CAMCE

Li Jing, commentator of China Industrial Network

"Cangshan is an alliance, Erhai is an oath, and in the future, we will go to the mountains and seas hand in hand." Not long ago, at the beautiful Erhai Lake in Dali, Yunnan, a couple made love vows, and a romantic "destination wedding" was successfully completed. According to a recent report by the People's Daily, the "destination wedding" industry has developed rapidly in Dali in recent years. In 2023, Dali will hold more than 4400 "destination weddings", 90% of which are from outside the province.

In recent years, the "destination wedding" has attracted more and more young people. It is different from the common travel marriage and honeymoon, but according to the needs of the newlyweds, in their favorite place, a customized wedding, which brings a new experience to the new people who enter the marriage palace.

The reason why "destination wedding" is favored by many young people is that it largely hits the "pain point" of young people's wedding planning at present, and meets their demand for personalized wedding. Many young people frankly say that the traditional wedding is a great test for the new couple and their two families, from manpower to material resources. Regardless of the huge cost, many new couples feel "tired" by chatting with guests they don't know or even know, being arranged as puppets in the ceremony, welcoming and seeing off before and after marriage, various traditional customs and requirements, and so on.

The wedding seems to be the integration of two families (families), but the core and most important thing should be the love between the two newlyweds. To some extent, the "destination wedding" is a pursuit and embodiment of young people to cut down the complexity and simplify, return to the essence of love and original intention, and such initiative change is worth affirming!

Nowadays, the demand for "destination weddings" is increasingly strong, which is largely boosted by the Internet social media platform, and many traffic flows into the new form and new industry of "destination weddings". How to control this wave of traffic and make "popular" become "ever popular" also requires more efforts in improving the related whole industry chain services.

There is no doubt that the traditional wedding industry is highly mature, but with the saturation of the market, the dilution of profits, and the diversification of aesthetics, the trend of industry transformation has emerged. In addition to its own traffic, the "destination wedding" is also directly related to other upstream and downstream industries of the wedding industry. It not only allows wedding hosting, photography, makeup, exhibition arrangement and other industries to see new development opportunities, but also can form linkage with tourism, transportation, accommodation and other industries, bringing growth to the whole industry chain. In the face of new opportunities, it is still the same requirement for market supply entities to provide good services. Both the "destination wedding" related practitioners and the local government should cherish this opportunity. They should not only find out the shortcomings in the service in the development practice in time, but also pool their ideas and do practical and detailed work in the development of the "destination", to prevent the rush and dispersion. Carefully support, care and make good use of this wave of traffic, and provide high-quality wedding services for new people in a down-to-earth manner.

Marriage is one of the most beautiful and important moments in one's life. The unique, simple and warm "destination wedding" reflects the change of young people's marriage concept, and also reflects the innovation and change of the wedding industry. We wish those young people who go to the mountains and seas to witness their beautiful love in the "destination", and we also look forward to the wedding featuring lightweight and relaxation to bring more new trends to related fields and industries.

Editor in charge: queen

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