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      Asian Games "police" lottery | good news! This assistant policeman is listed as "Anji Good Man"

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    Anji Public Security 2023-09-22

    Anji Good Man

    In the afternoon of September 20, Chen Ming, the assistant policeman of Gaoyu Squadron of Anji County Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Brigade, won the honor of "Anji Good Man" for his brave deeds.


    Chen Ming, male, Han nationality, was born in 1990, retired in 2010, took part in public security work in 2011, and is now the deputy squad leader of the auxiliary police of Gaoyu Squadron of Anji County Traffic Police Brigade. Chen Ming has never faded from the army since he started his work. Helping others and standing out is his gene. During his work, he won three third class public security honor medals at the municipal level, outstanding grassroots militia at the county level, advanced individual in emergency rescue and disaster relief at the county level and other honors.

    Event review

    "At the moment of galloping, I just thought: put out the fire!"

    In May this year, Chen Ming, who was on vacation, was driving with his wife and daughter. When the vehicle came to the road section of Sanguan Village, Chen Ming inadvertently caught a glimpse of a family's yard near the roadside in front of him, emitting thick black smoke, and was alert to the situation. Chen Mingli stopped the car at a safe location, settled his wife and daughter, and quickly got off to rush to the burning family at the speed of "100 meters sprint" to check.

    At this time, the electric box of a charging four-wheel garbage truck in the courtyard of the resident's home caught fire, half of the body had burned, and the front of the car had burned and the fire was getting bigger and bigger. There is a private car parked next to the four wheeled car on fire. The paint on the door has begun to melt. Once the car is ignited, the consequences will be unimaginable. Chen Ming shouts out a warning and rushes to the private car beside him, flying into the cab. Move the vehicle to a safe place with the help of the villagers who come here after hearing the sound.

    "Bang!" At that moment, there was a burst of fire and explosion on the scene. Looking at the panic crowd, "Turn off the power switch at home quickly! Quickly, take the bucket to get water...!" Chen Ming commanded the house owner to turn off the power and the villagers to put out the fire. A few minutes later, the fire rescue force arrived at the scene, and the open fire was quickly extinguished. Due to the discovery and timely disposal, the fire did not cause other losses except for the self ignited tram. Facing the big guy's thanks, Chen Ming just waved his hand, "It's a piece of cake. I was thinking of putting out the fire quickly."

    Since he joined the work in 2011, Chen Ming has a strong sense of responsibility, courage to take on responsibilities, and love to work together. He has actively participated in the work of assisting public security police in traffic accident handling, road duty, road traffic safety inspection, etc., and has never complained of fatigue or pain.

    Now, Chen Ming's fire fighting story has been widely publicized in the society. In the face of everyone's praise, he said:

    "I just did what I should do. As a retired soldier and an assistant police officer, it is my bounden duty to serve the masses whenever and wherever."

    He said so, and he did so even more!

    In January 2019, on his way home from work, Chen Ming saw the roof of a household in Ximu burning with thick smoke. After seeing this, he did not hesitate to pick up the fire hydrant and rush to the roof. He worked hard with everyone to put out the fire. With the joint efforts of everyone, the fire was controlled in just a few minutes.

    In February 2020, on his way home, Chen Ming saw a truck overturning in the middle of the intersection, with goods spilled on the ground, and the driver standing beside the car was helpless. Chen Ming hurries forward to help the driver straighten the heavy body. Without breathing, he quickly moves the spilled goods onto the vehicle, loads the goods in just ten minutes, and leaves quietly after restoring the road traffic order.

    In July 2022, Chen Ming was on his way home from work when a three wheeled motorcycle unilaterally overturned on the road, and someone in the cab was calling for help. Chen Ming immediately ran to the car and found two old people trapped in the narrow cab, unable to move. He was worried that the old man would be injured. He quickly pried the door open, and immediately rescued the two old people trapped in the cab, and moved the car to a safe location. Fortunately, the two old people were not seriously affected.

    In April 2023, Chen Ming drove his private car to the county hospital with his daughter who was unwell. On the way, he met a tricycle that collided with a car. The tricycle rolled over and the driver groaned under the pressure of the car. Chen Ming is worried about the safety of the old man, so he hurries to get out of the car and carefully rescues the old man from the car body to a safe location, and timely contacts 120 to come to the rescue.

    During the Asian Games, Chen Ming's squadron had a total of 7 civilian police officers on duty at the front line, and he and other colleagues stayed in the squadron. "Many brothers go to the front line on duty. I can do more if I want to do more. I will guard my jurisdiction firmly and not let them worry," he said with a smile.

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    Initial website: http://anji.yunhaoren.com/2023nianhaorenbang/20273.html
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