To crack down on pension fraud, Aksu public security guards for 24 hours!
Source: Xinjiang Ping'an Website Published on: 2022-05-14 12:25:18 Author: Wang Jia

Xinjiang Ping'an Online News   At 22:00 on May 13, the conference room of the criminal investigation detachment in Aksu was still full of people. Li Bin, the leader of the detachment, and all members of the leading group office for combating and rectifying elderly fraud were discussing the next step. Since the establishment of the special action office, this kind of work meets almost every day.

In order to thoroughly implement the work deployment requirements of the superior party committee on carrying out the "special action to crack down on old-age fraud", earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly, and protect the "pension money" and "life-saving money" of the people, recently, the public security organs at all levels in Akesu region adopted a multi department and multi police linkage, which quickly set off a climax of publicity, education, and cracking down on the rectification work.

At 10:30 a.m. on the 13th, the assistant police of Aksu Public Security Bureau entered the day care center of Aksu Kangju Community, and introduced the usual methods and crime methods of pension fraud to the elderly group in detail by issuing leaflets and on-site explanations, reminding people not to covet small profits and listen to the "sweet talk" of strangers, A "Big Gift Bag for the Elderly" was sent to the elderly.

"It is my duty as a criminal policeman to persistently publicize and educate the elderly to recognize and prevent fraud and crack down on such criminal acts. We will actively expose the 'routines' and techniques of crime, do a good job of publicity in time, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly." Liu Jie, a police officer of the Criminal Police Brigade of Aksu Public Security Bureau, said.

At about 12:00 on the same day, the auxiliary police of the police station of the Economic and Technological Development Zone of Kuqa Public Security Bureau came to Xinqiao Management Co., Ltd. in the area under its jurisdiction to carry out a propaganda activity themed "Guarding the Money Bag of the Elderly" with the enterprise. The police explained various illegal and criminal means of fraud in the name of providing "elderly care services", investing in "elderly care projects", and selling "elderly care products" to employees in an easy to understand form, and patiently and carefully interpreted traps such as "health lecture pawnshop mat", "free physical examination conceals secrets", and "family attraction for profit". Employees of the enterprise have expressed that they must strengthen communication with the elderly at home, pay more attention to the spiritual life of the elderly, and avoid being cheated by their families.

At 15:00 that afternoon, the civilian auxiliary police on duty at the urban police station of the Shaya County Public Security Bureau took to the streets, and put up posters and banners to prevent fraud among the elderly in prominent places such as the community malls and supermarkets. Since the launch of the special action to crack down on old-age fraud, the bureau has always adhered to the anti fraud early warning as the guide, with the purpose of improving accurate interception, and daily pushed all kinds of early warning information to the township police station under its jurisdiction for verification, and actively publicized the types and hazards of fraud to the elderly, so that people's awareness of anti fraud and anti fraud has been greatly improved.

"You must remember to download the APP of the National Anti fraud Center, and you can call 12337 to report any clues about elderly fraud crimes..." At about 18:00 on the 13th, the civilian auxiliary police of Ayebag Police Station of Awati County Public Security Bureau carried out routine household visits in the area under their jurisdiction, and the police explained the functions, features and advantages of the APP one-on-one to the elderly in the area under their jurisdiction, Teach the elderly how to download, register, log in and use them hand in hand to prevent them from being cheated.

In recent days, the regional public security bureau has given full play to the role and advantages of the new government media platform, opened online reporting channels for elderly fraud clues and crimes, and released 12 pieces of early warning information through the new media platform, creating a strong momentum for the special action.

Late at night on the 13th, the officer on duty at the Xinhe County Public Security Bureau Command Center was always in front of the alarm call, and did not dare to relax for a moment. "After receiving the alarm call, we can immediately organize the police to check and handle it. If we hurry for one minute, the lives and property of the masses will be less dangerous for one minute. Of course, I hope this call will never ring. I hope the world is free from fraud and the masses are safe!" said Xiao Liu, the police receiver.

Editor in charge: Tian Jiaqi