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Analysis of Sky Blade Auction

Updated on: June 30, 2015

Due to the setting of Tiandao game currency transaction, the gold currency transaction needs to be conducted through the auction house after the upper limit
When auction transactions across limits are required:
The buyer's income surplus is less than the order amount, and the seller's gift amount is less than the order amount.

Unique item concept: items not sold by auction house or items with unique attributes Unique item misunderstanding : The number of items does not count as unique items (the attributes of required items are unique)

Conditions for relatively few unique items that are not easy to duplicate:
Recommended 40-50 Sects' Deputy Weapon Quality is Green (High Quality)
1. One random attribute appears (as shown in the figure below):

If the single attribute ingenuity value is 2 or higher, it is difficult to get out, the repetition is relatively small, and the auction house price is relatively cheap
2. Two random attributes appear (as shown in the figure below):

The probability of occurrence of items with two random attributes is very low, and the price sold by auction houses is relatively high, but the probability of repetition is much lower;
Auction transaction delay time:
Amount ≤ 100 gold, delay 30 seconds
100 gold ≤ amount<200 gold, delay 120 seconds
200 gold ≤ amount, delay 300 seconds

Equivalent transaction (small amount over limit orders can be used)

Those who are Leling and have learned needlework can make this bag. The price of each district service auction house is relatively high. The actual cost is about 20 silver. You can make multiple bags for equivalent transactions (items are not returned);

Longevity Sword is an old area, and the general market price of level 45 green secondary weapons is about 80-100 gold. If you can make secondary weapons or obtain such secondary weapons by other means, you can carry out an equivalent trade (items are not returned). The material cost for making this level of secondary weapons in this area is about 2.5 gold. Advantages: low transaction cost and safety; Disadvantages: The auction house value is constantly changing, which is difficult to control.

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