
    Google Photos is complete! Pixel mobile phone users can use this function for free unlimited times

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Milk Saury

     Google Photos is complete! Pixel mobile phone users can use this function for free unlimited times

    Google launched a function called Magic Editor at the 2023 I/O Developers Conference, which is built around generative AI and claims that users can perform various major editing operations on photos without professional tools, such as moving people to one side of the photo, erasing people in the background and making the sky bluer. However, relevant functions were limited to Pixel 8/Pro at that time mobile phone Free use.

    Now several users report that their Pixel 6/7 phones can see the "Magic Editor Function Options". At the same time, these users also said that they did not subscribe Google One service.

    It is understood that non Pixel mobile phone users can use the Magic Editor function at most 10 times per month for free; Users who subscribe to Google One service (2TB and above data plans) can use Magic Editor function indefinitely. But Google has promised that Pixel mobile phone users can use relevant functions for free.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Google Photos is complete! Pixel mobile phone users can use this function for free unlimited times true report eight hundred and forty-eight Google launched a function called Magic Editor at the 2023 I/O Developers Conference, which is built around generative AI and claims that users can perform various major editing operations on photos without professional tools, such as moving people to one side of the photo, erasing people in the background and making the sky bluer. However, at that time, relevant functions were only available for free on Pixel 8/Pro phones. How many
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