
    Sony Music Group Warns AI Company Not to Use Its Own Assets for Model Training

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Two or three cups of cola

    According to the latest report, Sony Music Group is sending a notice to major AI companies to prohibit them from unauthorized use of its assets for model training. Sony Music has sent letters to more than 700 companies and stressed that without explicit permission, no AI company may use Sony Music's album cover art, music works, lyrics and other contents to train its models.

    This problem has been puzzling the AI field, that is, how to deal with copyright issues. Recently, there have been many incidents about infringing the copyright of original authors. For example, in April this year, Adam Schiff, a US representative, proposed a new bill requiring AI companies to make mandatory disclosure of the use of training data and face economic penalties.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Sony Music Group Warns AI Company Not to Use Its Own Assets for Model Training true report four hundred and forty-nine According to the latest report, Sony Music Group is sending a notice to major AI companies to prohibit them from unauthorized use of its assets for model training. Sony Music has sent letters to more than 700 companies and stressed that without explicit permission, no AI company can use Sony Music's album cover art, music works, lyrics and other contents to train its models. This problem has been difficult
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