
    Meizu's new Flyme system "live notification" function is announced: screen projection, countdown, trip scene "pill" reminder

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Summer of Mint Candy

    Meizu Technology today released a new generation of Flyme system warm-up. The live notification function of the new Flyme system supports screen rest, screen lock, and desktop full scene flow alerts. The user can mobile phone The real-time activity of the application can be seen in the status bar area. Click "Pills" to open the banner notice and enter the App to view the real-time activity. In addition, Meizu is still developing three new AI products, which will bring more AI functions.

    Meizu announced its transformation to the AI field last year, and added AI smart keys and AI input auxiliary functions. It is reported that Meizu 21 Pro mobile phones open system permissions to the LLM big language model team, and provide Flyme API documents and SoC edge AI APIs. These new functions will enable mobile phones to play a greater role in the field of artificial intelligence.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Meizu's new Flyme system "live notification" function is announced: screen projection, countdown, trip scene "pill" reminder true report four hundred and sixty-nine Meizu Technology today released a new generation of Flyme system warm-up. The live notification function of the new Flyme system supports screen rest, screen lock, and desktop full scene flow alerts. Users can see the real-time activity of the app in the status bar area of their mobile phones. Click "Pills" to open the banner notification and enter the app to view the real-time activity. In addition, Meizu is still developing three new AI products, which will bring more AI achievements
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