The fourth "Contemporary Li Bai" series activities in Shitai, Anhui were launched

20:34, July 11, 2020 Source: People's Daily Online - Anhui Channel

People's Daily Online, Shitai, July 11 (Reporter Miao Zijian) On the morning of July 11, the launching ceremony of the fourth "Contemporary Li Bai" series of activities of "All around Shitai · You Write", sponsored by the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Shitai County, Anhui Province, was opened in Guniujiang Scenic Area of Shitai County. Many outstanding travelers, writers, poets, art lovers from all over the country and relevant leaders of Chizhou City and Shitai County attended the launching ceremony.

Shitai, an original mountain town surrounded by the Qiupu River, has rich tourism resources and profound cultural heritage. It is recorded that Li Bai, the poetic immortal, visited Qiupu for five times and left dozens of famous poems represented by "Qiupu River 17 Poems". "Thousands of heather trees, thousands of privet forests, mountains and mountains full of egrets, streams and streams full of white apes sing." "Pheasants shy of green water, dare not look at sweaters" are all Li Bai's true portrayals of the local beauty.

In order to comprehensively display the new changes and new features of tourism development in Shitai County, expand the popularity of tourism in Shitai County, establish the tourism brand image of Shitai County, and promote the creation of Shitai global tourism, the fourth "Contemporary Li Bai" series of activities collected the guide words and propaganda words of Shitai global tourism around the world. One prize of 3000 yuan will be awarded for the slogan; Ten finalists will be awarded 500 yuan each. For the collection of tour guides' commentaries, the reward varies from 1000 to 8000 yuan depending on the quality of the selected works.

At the same time, the organizing committee of the event also recruited eight "contemporary Li Bai" from the society to carry out in-depth tourism experience in Shitai after the launch ceremony. They will be released through microblog, WeChat, live broadcast and we media platforms in the form of images, videos, travel notes, etc., so that domestic and foreign tourists can feel the cultural and ecological charm of Shitai.

(Editor in charge: Ou Kai, Guo Yu)

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