Anhui disposed 25 websites and 2 public accounts in April according to law

16:17, April 30, 2020 Source: People's Daily Online - Anhui Channel

People's Daily, Hefei, April 30 (Wang Ruihua) In April 2020, Anhui Provincial Cyberspace Office, together with Anhui Provincial Communications Administration, disposed of 25 illegal websites in accordance with the law, and coordinated the relevant platforms to close two illegal public accounts in accordance with the user service agreement.

After investigation, the website of "China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Online" imitated the official website of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles to release information, the fake website "Suzhou Civilization Network" and "Wuhu Professional Title Network" released false government information, and the fake website "Huangshan News Network" pretended to be a local news agency, illegally collected and published news information, which was closed according to law.

In addition, 21 websites, such as "One Agency Network", "Shangxuan One" and "Jipu", spread a large number of vulgar pornographic, gambling and other illegal and bad information, damaged the online public opinion ecology, and were closed according to law. The WeChat public account "Xiuning Hot Issues" released information about the epidemic "headline party", and the "entertainment gossip" illegally released a large number of current political news information such as personnel appointment and removal, misleading the public, causing bad impact, and was closed down according to law.

Anhui Provincial Office of Cyberspace Affairs reminds the website operators to strengthen the daily maintenance and management of websites, and apply to the Provincial Communications Administration for cancellation and filing of websites that no longer continue to operate, so as to avoid websites becoming "zombie websites" and "shell websites" and being embezzled by criminals.

In addition, according to the unified deployment of the National Cyberspace Office, the Anhui Cyberspace Office has launched a two month special campaign against malicious online marketing accounts from now on, focusing on some online accounts to obtain traffic and advertising, tampering with the history of the party and the country, creating hot spots out of nothing, using authoritative people to release rumors, and publishing "title party" and "black public relations" Information and other malicious marketing behaviors.

(Editor in charge: Guan Fei, Guo Yu)

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