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"Spark sower" of new era cohesion casting soul and educating people -- On the "Spark" theory preaching of the Army Engineering University serving the political faculty group

Time of publication: 2022-11-22 11:28:00 Source: Xinhua

Xinhua News Agency, Nanjing, November 21, by wire, Title: "Fire sowers" who forge the spirit and educate people in the new era -- On the "Spark" theory preaching of the Army Engineering University, serving the political faculty group

Xinhua News Agency reporter

The ancient town in the south of the sky is full of waves. In the middle of November, Yu Hong, a representative of the 20th CPC National Congress and a member of the political instructor group of the Army Engineering University for the "Spark" theory preaching service, came to Zhanjiang, Guangdong, to preach the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress to the naval officers and men in the southern theater.

More than four months ago, Yu Hong led the teachers to Kaishan Island, a coastal defense outpost, to raise the national flag, do propaganda, and take the island patrol road to preach the great spirit of party building for the island guarding militia.

The "Spark" group is the main force of political theory teaching in the Army Engineering University and the backbone of moral cultivation and soul cultivation. More than 30 teaching and research achievements have won national and military awards.

From coastal defense outposts to snow covered plateaus, from local colleges and universities to fields, "spark" groups spread sparks on the land of the motherland. They adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply implement Xi Jinping Thought on Building a Strong Military, adhere to the true understanding of the charm of truth, spread the innovative theory of the Party with true feelings, educate officers and soldiers with true love, and devote themselves enthusiastically to the work of casting souls and educating people. They are firm believers, active communicators, and loyal practitioners of the innovative theory of the Party in the new era.

Huang Yisu, a member of the political instructor group of the Army Engineering University's "Spark" theory preaching service, preached the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress to the villagers in Zhonghesi Village, Hong'an County, Hubei Province (photographed on November 3, 2022). Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Li Yayun)

   Holding the Torch of Faith High and Deepening the Foundation of Belief - "Believers must have faith first"

"As a political theory teacher in military colleges and universities, we must study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress as the primary political task, so that the voice of the Party can reach the officers and soldiers and the masses at the first time." Cao Ergang, a teacher, said during the study and discussion of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress.

After the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was held, the "Spark" group seriously carried out study and discussion, deeply understood the new ideas and new judgments, new deployment and new requirements proposed by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and prepared to publicize the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Those who give spark to others will have a torch in their heart. In recent years, they have always insisted on learning the innovative theory of the Party in the new era, systematically studied in different fields, disciplines and topics, regularly organized learning and exchanges, and constantly polished the loyalty of resolutely listening to the Party's words and following the Party with determination.

In the midsummer of 2018, the "Spark" group came to the Zunyi Conference Memorial Hall with the original intention of pursuing red roots and inheriting red genes. Faced with the bright red party flag, the teachers raised their right fists and solemnly swore.

"People who believe must have faith first! As a political teacher, only by setting up lofty beliefs and consolidating their ideological roots can we cultivate students with faith." Cao Ergang said that this group has always adhered to the creed.

Faith is true and understanding is deep. Reading dozens of theoretical books commonly used by the "Spark" group, there are dense learning experiences written in them, including the rational thinking of tracing the source, and also the profound perception of connecting with the reality. There is a fervent pursuit of truth between the lines.

Lu Wei (second from the right), a member of the political instructor group of the Army Engineering University's "Spark" theory preaching service, had a discussion with grassroots officers and soldiers in the "Wang Keqin Company" (photographed on July 19, 2022). Photographed by Zhang Yongjin, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Guo Youmao, an old teacher, is a member of the Propaganda Group for the Party History of the whole army. He has been engaged in the teaching and research of the Party history and military history for more than 30 years. Together with his team members, he focused on three major events of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance to the cause of the Party and the people, combined with the historical experience of the centennial struggle of the Party, thoroughly interpreted the work of the past five years and the great changes of the new era in the decade, and timely incorporated the research results into the lectures and into the classroom.

Guo Youmao is a microcosm of this group. In recent years, this group has always focused on learning and understanding the innovative theory of the Party in the new era from the theoretical dimension, historical dimension and practical dimension.

Theoretical doubts should not only be solved from history, but also be solved in practice.

In 2020, Li Xiao, a teacher, and his colleagues experienced the fight against the epidemic in Wuhan, and their faith was strengthened.

"This anti epidemic campaign made me deeply feel the system superiority behind the 'rule of China'!" Li Xiao wrote in his notebook. Back on campus, she brought her deep feelings into the classroom and told the students.

As witnesses, participants and beneficiaries of the new era, the "Spark" group focuses on understanding why the Communist Party of China can, and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good, in the final analysis, Marxism in the connection between theory and practice, in the current and future connection, and in the comparison between "governance of China" and "turmoil in the West.", It is a Chinese and contemporary Marxist line.

Wu Dingping, member of the political instructor group of the Army Engineering University "Spark" theory preaching service, preaches the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress (photographed on October 26, 2022). Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Xu Ya)

   Burning the Flame of Truth to Melt the Soul of Loyalty -- "Political teachers should light the hearts of students like torches"

"Teacher, send you a bunch of Tianshan safflower, thank you for spreading our belief and gathering strength." Not long ago, teacher She Yingying received a letter from a border defense regiment of Xinjiang Military Region.

Looking at the name "Ma Ming" on the envelope, she Yingying thought of the short, dark student who was interested in theoretical learning.

"Teacher, now I am the monitor. While taking on the border patrol task, I lead the soldiers to learn the Party's innovation theory according to the method you taught. The Party's innovation theory is the guiding light for us to forge ahead." Ma Ming wrote in the letter.

She Yingying firmly believes that political teachers should be like torches to lighten the hearts of students, really explain the theory contained in ideas, and open up the way to practice.

The light of truth illuminates the way of education. The "Spark" group has always been teaching in the main vein of Xi Jinping's thought of building a strong military. It not only clarifies major theoretical views, major decisions and deployments, but also answers the students' questions about "why" and "how", so that students can truly understand the mission, objectives, fundamental principles, important paths and other issues of building a strong military in the new era, and integrate them into practice.

Zheng Jiwen, the political instructor of the "Red First Company" of the 83rd Army Group, has heard the lectures of the "Spark" group. After serving as the chief officer at the grass-roots level, Zheng Jiwen insisted on building a company and educating people with Xi Jinping's idea of building a strong military. In 2021, Zheng Jiwen was honored as the fourth "Four Haves" revolutionary soldier model in the new era of the Army, and his company was awarded the title of "Model of the Times" by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee.

"The innovative theory of the Party injects strength into the transformation and development of the company and points out the way forward!" Zheng Jiwen said.

Qin Jie (middle), a member of the political instructor group of the Army Engineering University's "Spark" theory preaching service, held a break discussion with Tibetan students in Chongqing Tibet Middle School (photographed on June 28, 2022). Photographed by Zhang Yongjin, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

The improvement of teachers' thinking will often change the life choices of young students. In recent years, this group has focused on theoretical hot spots, practical problems and difficulties, and the focus of ideological struggle. Through case analysis and case analysis, it has done a good job in solving doubts, guiding students to live up to their youth and strive to build a strong army.

"Clear love is only for China!" Teacher Wang Jing used the advanced deeds of the heroic group defending the country and defending the border in the new era to educate students to cultivate family and country feelings and devote themselves to the great practice of building a strong military.

"I was deeply touched by the deeds of heroes. In the future, I would like to take root in the grassroots and guard the border like a camel thorn, so that youth can shine in Xu Dang's service to the country." Yan Ziyi, a student, took the initiative to submit an application to go to the border after listening to Wang Jing's class.

In 2021, nearly 400 students, like Yan Ziyi, will apply to hard and remote areas to make contributions when they are about to graduate.

Under the guidance of the education of the "Spark" group, learning the idea of strengthening the military and doing the cause of strengthening the military have become the common value pursuit of students. In recent years, outstanding representatives such as Jian Chun and Wang Chunwei, the first class hero, have emerged among the graduates.

Huang Yisu (left) and Bao Yongjuan, members of the political instructor group of the Army University of Engineering's "Spark" theory preaching service, inhaled oxygen to prepare lessons when preaching in the plateau border defense forces at an altitude of more than 4000 meters (photographed on June 27, 2022). Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Li Hao)

   Sowing theoretical fires and cultivating ideological fields - "If I were a flame, I would like to illuminate every corner"

In the midsummer of 2020, a theoretical lecture entitled "Urgent promotion of emergency preparedness" made officers and men of a certain Xinjiang Military Region feel a heavy responsibility.

Instructor Yu Hong contacted the army to fulfill the mission and task practice, explained the national security situation, made clear the requirements for war preparation, and strengthened the sense of responsibility and mission in the hearts of officers and soldiers.

"The power of the tank comes from the engine, and the power of the people comes from the new ideas. We should bloom our youth in the tide of iron armour and fulfill our mission in the future battlefield." Ma and Pali, deputies to the National People's Congress and "the most beautiful revolutionary soldier of the new era", said after the lecture.

"If I were a flame, I would like to illuminate every corner." This is not only Yu Hong's inner monologue, but also the true portrayal of the "Spark" group spreading theoretical kindling with true feelings.

Heart to the front-line officers and soldiers, let the theory "spring breeze and rain moisten the heart". In the past five years, they have actively carried out theoretical services at the grass-roots level, successively went to the front line of major exercises and training, rescue and disaster relief, and the fight against the epidemic, and organized more than 600 propaganda services.

In 2021, Li Xuan, a teacher, actively applied to serve as a substitute in the Tibetan army and volunteered to go to the front line of the mission. She went to the outpost and the station to set up classes according to local conditions.

"Teacher Li is talking about things around us, and he is talking about profound reasons, which has strengthened our belief in taking root in the forbidden area of life and devoting ourselves to the snow covered plateau." Corporal Zhao Peng said in the after class discussion.

Concern the youth and let the theory "build dreams, youth and future". In recent years, while insisting on fighting, the "Spark" group gives full play to its own advantages, drives the youth with the loyalty of political instructors and family feelings, and guides the youth to shoulder their mission responsibilities.

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China, the "Spark" group cooperated with the "Yanhe Lecturer Group" of Renmin University of China and other university publicity groups to carry out theme based learning activities.

This is the political instructor group of "Spark" theory preaching service in the Army Engineering University (photographed on November 19, 2022). Xinhua News Agency (photographed by Pan Tao)

In 2020, the "Spark" group came to Shijiazhuang No. 2 Middle School to tell the students about the operational research and command of the "three major campaigns", and the historical sobriety of going to Beijing for examinations.

"It is my responsibility to publicize the Party's innovative theory to young people and guide them to listen to the Party's words and follow the Party unswervingly," said teacher Qin Yan.

Heart to heart with the masses, let the theory "fly into the homes of ordinary people". The "Spark" group guided each campus to set up 11 mass publicity teams, including the "beacon fire" student publicity team, the "red rock snow eagle" publicity team, and the "for war" young doctor publicity service team, covering students at all levels. Teachers and students go out of the school together, focus on the concern of the masses, and earnestly preach services, so as to further strengthen the people's trust in the party and government.

"I still remember last November when the 'Spark' teachers came to the village. At that time, Ba Zeren, the secretary of the village party branch, took the villagers to greet this special group of guests with Hada," said Qi Mei, the mayor of Eruo Town, Karuo District, Changdu, Tibet, "More than 20 years ago, I went to Chongqing Tibet Middle School from the snowy plateau to study. The first lesson of my admission was the ideological education lesson that the political teachers of the military school taught us. It was they who planted the seed of following the Party wholeheartedly in my heart."

For a long time, the "Spark" group has led the "Red Rock Snow Eagle" propaganda team to spread the innovative theory of the Party among Tibetan students, and built a "heart bridge" between Tibetan children and people's soldiers.

Li Xuan (middle), a member of the political instructor group of the "Spark" theory preaching service of the Army University of Engineering, encourages graduating students to work in the places where the Party and the people most need them on the training ground (photographed on June 23, 2022). Photographed by Zhang Yongjin, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

   Light the teacher's candle to guide the way of pursuing dreams - "action is the best education, and example is the silent teaching plan"

"No matter how small the outpost is, it is also a battle position. I will remember my mission and stand guard for the motherland." After listening to the teacher Cao Ergang, the soldier Wang Ziyu said.

In 2019, Cao Ergang went to a brigade of the army in the northern theater of operations to carry out theoretical services at the grass-roots level. During the theoretical lecture, he learned that there was only one soldier on duty in a certain post. The mountain road was difficult to walk, and the weather was bad, but Cao Ergang insisted on going.

At the post, Wang Ziyu was the soldier on duty that day. Without lecture notes and courseware, Cao Ergang gave him a vivid lesson on the national security situation in a casual way.

In that theoretical service activity, Cao Ergang traveled thousands of kilometers, often discussing problems on the bus, revising lecture notes on the road, and preparing lessons at night, but he always kept his passion to teach every lesson for officers and soldiers.

"Action is the best education, and example is the silent teaching plan." A brigade leader said that Teacher Cao has set up a good appearance as a political teacher for grass-roots officers and soldiers.

What the trainees are required to do, they should do it first. Zhang Wei, the teacher, is a famous "theory expert". He has more than 2000 theoretical books at home.

"To give students a glass of water, teachers must first have a bucket of water." Zhang Wei said.

Like Zhang Wei, the "Spark" group pays attention to rigorous scholarship, deep research and devoting their mind and energy to teaching and research. In the past five years, this group has successively selected more than 10 research achievements into the major theoretical seminars of the whole army. In 2019, the whole military organized training and competition for political theory teaching posts in colleges and universities, and selected 15 excellent demonstration courses, two of which were from this group.

In recent years, the "Spark" group has regularly carried out charity activities to help more than 860 students in 66 schools complete their studies in the form of supporting education in the countryside and donating money and gifts.

Driven by them, the students of the Army Engineering University spontaneously set up a love team of "love moving towards' Guizhou '", and funded Guizhou mountainous primary schools for more than 10 consecutive years. In 2021, the charity team won the "China Charity Award" charity model.

It is with this kind of mind and vision that the kindling of faith will light up every heart lamp and spread all over the military camp and the whole country. (Reporters: Li Bingxuan, Han Xueyang, participated in the gathering and writing: Zhang Shengtao, Wang Hanfeng)

Editor in charge: Li Jingyi