AFP/CFP financial planner
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Test questions and answers for financial planner | Test question bank

Simulated test questions 2022-03-01 15:19:37 Source: Huajin Education I want to share

Below, the editor of Huajin Education will bring you test preparation kits such as test questions and answers for financial planners, high-frequency test points, and test outlines. Candidates can click to view and download them for collection.

Financial planner There are many opportunities for AFP/CFP examination, and there are examinations every month. AFP has nearly 60 examinations a year, and CFP has 12 examinations a year. Afp/CFP exam questions are all multiple-choice questions, so examinees do not need to answer subjective questions, which reduces the pressure of preparing for the exam to some extent.

Financial planner( AFP) certification examination subject range is subject to the examination syllabus of each subject published annually by FPSB China.

The subjects of AFP certification examination are "Fundamentals of Financial Management (I)" and "Fundamentals of Financial Management (II)", 180 single choice questions, Chinese examination, closed book computer examination. The AFP certification exam lasts six hours in total, three hours in the morning and three hours in the afternoon.

however AFP/CFP multiple-choice questions are also difficult and require careful review by candidates to pass the exam. Financial planners need to brush more questions before preparing for the exam to master the skills and intentions of making questions, and also master high-frequency test points in the process of making questions.

Here is the editor of Huajin Education Financial planner Test questions and answers, high-frequency test sites, test outlines and other test preparation data packages can be viewed and downloaded by the examinee.

AFP Financial planner Test questions and answers |Examination question bank

two thousand and eight year three Published in AFP test questions —— Fundamentals of Financial Management (I) .pdf


two thousand and eight year three Published in AFP test questions —— Fundamentals of Financial Management (II) .pdf


two thousand and ten year seven Published in AFP test questions —— Fundamentals of Financial Management (I) .pdf


two thousand and ten year seven Published in AFP test questions —— Fundamentals of Financial Management (II) .pdf


two thousand and sixteen year seven Published in AFP test questions —— Fundamentals of Financial Management (I) .pdf


two thousand and sixteen year seven Published in AFP test questions —— Fundamentals of Financial Management (II) .pdf


AFP Review learning materials .pdf


AFP- High frequency examination points .pdf


AFP examination syllabus 2020.pdf


CFP Financial planner Test questions and answers |Examination question bank

01 CFP - Investment Planning - High Frequency Examination Point.pdf

02 CFP Personal Risk Management and Insurance Planning - High Frequency Examination Point.pdf

03 CFP - Personal Tax and Heritage Planning - High Frequency Examination Point.pdf

04 CFP - Employee Welfare and Retirement Planning - High frequency Exam.pdf

05 CFP Comprehensive Case Analysis - High Frequency Exam.pdf

CFP Exam Review Materials.pdf

Cfp Exam Syllabus 2021.pdf

more Financial planner Test questions and answers |The examination question bank can be obtained by contacting our online customer service.

>>>Click to get the gift package of test preparation materials such as AFP high-frequency test course+real questions over the years+test outline

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