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Improve efficiency! Review key points before the 2022 AFP exam

Examination subjects 2022-06-20 16:39:19 Source: Huajin Education I want to share

Try to ensure a fixed learning time of 1 hour every day. At the beginning of learning, this hour can be used to learn video courses and browse textbooks; In the review and preparation stage, this one hour can be used together with the exercise book to focus on practice.

In the preparation for the AFP certification exam, a large part of the staff are from the banking, securities, insurance and other industries. As an office worker, preparing for the exam while working, the pressure is undoubtedly enormous. This requires us to find an efficient way to learn and win the AFP certificate in a scientific way. The following are the key points and methods of pre exam review for your reference.

In the preparation stage, some things should be given up. Such as drama painting, entertainment, unnecessary entertainment, etc.

Try to ensure a fixed learning time of 1 hour every day. At the beginning of learning, this hour can be used to learn video courses and browse textbooks; In the review and preparation stage, this one hour can be used together with the exercise book to focus on practice.

Weekends are also a good time to overtake on curves. It is suggested that if there are no special circumstances, we can guarantee 1-2 hours of study every day on weekends. We can learn here in cooperation with Huajin Education AFP pre exam coaching live class. If the preparation time coincides with the live class, it is better to follow the progress of the live class; If the test preparation time is not synchronized with the live class, you can also flexibly arrange the learning content according to the video playback of the live class.

The above are some ways to improve learning efficiency and key review points before the exam. If you have other questions, you can follow this website AFP exam Registration column, or consult online teachers.

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