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On September 17 and 18, 2022, AFP exam result inquiry and result review have started!

Score inquiry 2022-09-26 18:32:07 Source: Huajin Education I want to share

On September 17 and 18, 2022, the results of the AFP financial planner certification examination have been announced. Candidates can now log on to to enter the "CFP Series Examination Registration and Certification System" to query the examination results, or click the "Examination Certification" - "Login System" below to enter the "CFP Series Examination Registration and Certification System" to query the examination results through the official WeChat official account FPSB-CHINA home page.

If the examinee has any objection to the score, he/she can apply for reexamination. The application time for reexamination of the score is: September 26 October 9 To apply for reexamination, please log on to enter the "CFP Series Examination Registration and Certification System" to go through the examination result reexamination procedures. The specific AFP examination score review process is as follows:


 AFP exam result query time

  1、 Submit review application

1. Log in to to enter the "CFP Series Examination Registration and Certification System", and click "This Examination Result Review" in the "Examination Result" column of the "About Examination" menu on the left.

2. Select the recheck subject, click the "Apply for recheck" button, fill in the reason for applying for recheck online, and click "Submit application" to complete the online application for recheck.

3. Click the "Cancel Application" button to cancel the review application before paying the review fee.

  2、 Pay review fees

1. The review fee is paid online.

2. If the balance in the system account is insufficient, click "recheck payment" to pay the recheck fee online; If the balance in the system account is enough to pay the review fee, the system will automatically deduct the review fee when clicking the "Review Payment" button.

3. Candidates applying for review of the results of the AFP certification examination must review both the basic financial management (I) and basic financial management (II) examination subjects at the same time, and pay the review fee of RMB 100 online.

   3、 About recheck

1. The examination committee shall organize personnel to conduct reexamination within 10 working days after reviewing the applicant's reexamination application and receiving the reexamination fee. After the reexamination is completed, the notice of reexamination results shall be sent to the examinee. The recheck method is manual query.

2. Candidates have the right to apply for reexamination of examination results only once. If the reexamination results show that the applicant's actual examination results meet the standards for passing the examination, the examination committee will correct them and refund the reexamination fee.

Candidates who are not very satisfied with their scores can continue to prepare for the AFP exam. We suggest that you start learning as soon as possible. The longer you prepare for the exam, the greater the chance of passing the exam!

The above is about the start of the AFP certification examination score query and result review on September 17 and 18, 2022. If you want to know more about the AFP certification examination, please continue to follow the official website of Huajin Education Examination.

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