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Validity period of AFP financial planner certificate

Examination Introduction 2024-03-15 11:28:27 Source: Huajin Education I want to share

The validity period of the AFP financial planner certificate is 2 years. The AFP holder needs to receive further education once every two years. If he/she has not received further education for more than five years, his/her certificate will be invalid. Candidates need to meet the "4E" requirements specified by the FPSB again before certification. Only after passing the certification can he/she obtain the AFP financial planner certificate again.

   Validity period of AFP financial planner certificate

   Class hour requirements for continuing education

AFP licensee needs to complete 30 class hours Of which 2 hours are for compulsory courses and 28 hours are for elective courses. It is necessary to complete the learning of continuing education through the official website of "Treasury Website".

   Continuing education learning process

  1、 AFP The holder needs to log in his/her account on the treasury network, click the navigation "Continuing Education" column, enter the continuing education page, and light up his/her identity.

2. Click online course selection.

3. Select courses that meet the requirements.

4. Enter the "Learning Center" page to carry out relevant continuing education and complete the homework.

5. After the completion of continuing education, candidates can apply for credits.

6. Find the column of "declare class hours" in the examination system, click the work experience report, and then improve the relevant information and submit it for review.

7. The system displays "Approved", and the payment is completed. The next step is to produce the certificate, which also means that the AFP continuing education recertification process is completed.

The above is the introduction to the "Validity Period of the AFP Financial Planner Certificate". Those who have held the AFP certificate should continue their education on time. Those who have not yet obtained the certificate should, Click here>>to get the essence of AFP exam preparation for free

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