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Actively build a community of rural social governance

Source: Guangming
2024-06-14 14:47

Original title: Actively build a community of rural social governance

Rural social governance is an important part of national governance and rural revitalization. It not only affects the reform and development of rural areas, social stability, but also is an indispensable part of the modernization of national governance. In recent years, China's rural social governance capacity and efficiency have been significantly improved. But at the same time, we should also see that, with China's economic and social development, new urbanization and agricultural modernization are accelerating, and the pattern of urban and rural interests, rural social structure, etc. are constantly adjusting and changing. The needs of rural people for a better life are becoming increasingly diverse, profoundly affecting the rural social governance environment.  

Social governance is an important aspect of national governance. The concept of social governance community is the result of our party's deepening understanding of social governance, and also provides a new guiding theory and explanation framework for rural social governance. Building a community of rural governance is an important part of promoting the construction of a community of social governance, as well as an important starting point to solve the bottleneck problem of rural social governance and promote the modernization of rural governance.

Adhere to the leadership of Party building and ensure the leadership of the Party over the community of rural social governance

Adhere to the core leadership position of the Party, enhance the core leadership function of the Party organization in grass-roots governance, and provide direction guidance, organizational guarantee, construction position, and operating mechanism for grass-roots social governance through innovation in grass-roots party building.

First, give play to the value guiding function of grass-roots party organizations. We will strengthen and maintain the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, actively cultivate and practice socialist core values, promote the implementation of major decisions of the Party Central Committee in rural areas, and lead the masses to build a governance community of common governance and sharing.

Second, strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations. Implement and improve the work style, keep close contact with the masses and other regulations, continue to promote the construction of the work style of rural party members and cadres, and strengthen the integrity education and training of rural cadres.

Third, improve the quality and ability of grassroots cadres. Adhere to the employment standard of "having both ability and morality, putting morality first, and appointing people on merit". We can consider building a professional village "two committees" team, formulate a long-term training plan for leaders with village cadres and become rich experts as the main body, improve the incentive system for village cadres, incorporate the growth rate of collective economy and the trust of grassroots people into the assessment of village cadres' remuneration distribution, and improve their work enthusiasm.

Develop collective economy and strengthen the material foundation of rural social governance community

We should strengthen the strength and service function of the village collective economy, consolidate the economic foundation of rural governance, and realize the benign interaction between rural governance and economic and social development. We should improve the policy mechanism for industrial development, choose the development path that is compatible with the local natural resource endowment and socio-economic conditions, and explore diversified rural collective economic development paths.

First, we can encourage village party organizations to take the lead in setting up land stock cooperatives, solve the problem of farmland fragmentation and the aging of farmers, strengthen the core functions of village party organizations in the rural grass-roots organization system, and form a long-term mechanism to promote the development of rural collective economy and farmers' income.

Second, we will deepen the reform of "three changes" in rural areas, invest various types of assets or income (such as operational assets, public welfare assets and finance) owned by rural collectives in the development funds of villages, and vigorously support local farmers' cooperatives, village run or joint ventures and other economic organizations to distribute and share income on a pro rata basis according to the equity held by village collectives and villagers.

Third, under the condition of relatively limited resources per village and insufficient organizational capacity at the village level, new development models such as "joint village", "town level joint venture" and "pair building" are carried out, and the "enclave" development model that breaks through the restrictions of administrative divisions is explored, so as to drive the weak with the strong and develop together.

Fourth, improve the interest association mechanism between leaders and the collective economy, scientifically assess and strengthen incentives, and constantly stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of leaders to develop the village collective economy.

Make good use of governance tools to improve the actual effectiveness of rural social governance community

First, we should adhere to the problem orientation, focus on solving the problems that the people are anxious for, aim at the needs of the people, and promote rural governance in combination with our own reality, so as to complement the weak points of governance, optimize the governance system, and form a governance synergy. We should reform the assessment system at the village level, incorporate autonomy into the target assessment, clarify the necessity of villagers' participation, and guide villagers' autonomous organizations to shift their energy to autonomous affairs.

The second is to absorb multiple subjects, make full use of regional party building to absorb multiple subjects, pay attention to the introduction and cultivation of rural social organizations, promote the "linkage of three communities", and enrich the professional strength of rural social governance.

The third is to promote democratic consultation, build a variety of consultation platforms such as conference, council, group meeting and decision-making hearing, attract stakeholders to participate in the consultation, improve the operation procedure of consultative democracy, establish a scientific and standardized whole process arrangement of topic negotiation (from the proposal and establishment of negotiation topics to the application and feedback of negotiation results), and improve the corresponding information, communication Feedback and other relevant systems and working mechanisms.

Fourth, promote the construction of digital countryside, establish and improve the information sharing platform, strengthen the training of the quality and skills of village and township cadres, provide basis and support for scientific decision-making, problem warning and problem solving in rural governance, and promote strict management and refined governance.

Explore the institutional system and improve the operating mechanism of the rural social governance community

Change the one-way government administration network into a two-way interactive network, and combine the horizontal and vertical networks to achieve the effective interaction of multiple governance subjects.

First, adhere to Party building across the board and promote joint construction and sharing. With the "global" party building as the starting point, we will expand the "circle of friends" of grassroots governance, break the segmentation, link various forces in the area with the "big party building", and form a global party building work pattern in which the party organizations of the village units and the party members in the area under their jurisdiction participate together.

The second is to establish a communication mechanism at the township level involving the government, community and social organizations. Study and coordinate issues such as town service planning, information connectivity and service feedback, clarify the division of responsibilities, and coordinate fund guarantee and resource allocation. We can consider incorporating grass-roots social governance into the content of the town's joint party and government meetings, and regularly hold joint party and government meetings to coordinate and respond to the reasonable and legitimate demands of the grassroots community masses. We can solve the problem by contacting departments, "double check in" party members, community volunteers, social organizations and other forces at different levels, and require the community's two committees and the masses to cooperate with the government's work Actively participate in social governance.

Third, improve the project-based and branded operation mechanism of social governance led by party building. Aiming at community problems, focusing on community needs, comprehensively using various forms of financial support such as project purchase, project awards and subsidies, aiming at community diversified governance service needs, accurately introducing and carrying out community construction projects. Guide social organizations to develop community service projects that meet the needs of villagers according to the characteristics of rural development, and actively explore new ways for social organizations to undertake projects, social work teams to implement projects, and community oriented projects. We will encourage people to gradually meet their demand for differentiated services through public welfare venture capital, innovation and entrepreneurship. Orderly guide community residents to participate in the determination of community service projects and supervise the whole process of service project implementation.

Cultivate the new style of governance and shape the value support of the rural social governance community

In the construction of social community, first of all, we should respond to the emotional needs of residents, closely combine with the spiritual and cultural needs of the people, and respond to the emotional needs of residents through public lectures, cultural and sports activities, psychological counseling, etc.

The second is to attach importance to the education of socialist core values, emphasize the moral appeal, dedication quality and social responsibility in the traditional culture, integrate the modern civic awareness with the spirit of public welfare and responsibility as the core, integrate the subjective awareness with people first, respect and understanding for others as the core, and use local cultural resources to create a common living space for the community and form community values, Reduce the emotional interaction barriers caused by residents' heterogeneity.

Third, we should attach importance to the role of public opinion leaders. In rural areas, elite party members such as retired cadres, rich experts, and members of the two committees of the village have greater influence and appeal, and can be trained as "community opinion leaders". It plays a key role in daily life and work exchanges, village community collective activities, online community forums and other fields, driving village residents to improve their recognition of mainstream values, and building a new three-level communication chain of "state party members people".

Li Ming, Associate Researcher of Economic Development Research Institute of Sichuan University)

Editor in charge: queen

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