Zhonggong Entertainment

ITV reviews pay attention to working mothers, not just on Mother's Day

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-11 13:04

May 12 is Mother's Day. Have you prepared the gift for your mother?

Send beauty, health, fashion, company... Whether it's gifts or other forms of expression, the main theme is a "fancy" pet mother. While being a high-profile "show of love" for children, do you really understand the pay and sacrifice of maternal love? Do you understand why "being the mother is just"?

At present, women's social status has significantly improved, but it should also be faced with that for modern women, becoming a mother often means that career development may encounter short-term "ceiling", and career and family may be difficult to balance. Even if you want to return to work after giving birth, it will be affected by many factors, such as inappropriate working hours, too far commuting, too long empty window period, and it is difficult to find suitable jobs. These objective realities make many mothers fall into the "trap" of work and life.

Obviously, loving and caring for mothers is not limited to giving flowers and gifts on a certain day, but should pay attention to the career and family balance problems that mothers may face every day, and give them more understanding and support. Such gifts may be more meaningful.

It is gratifying to note that in recent years, various measures have been taken to address the practical problems such as gender discrimination in the workplace, the employment of childcare women, and the heavy burden of family care for women in the workplace. The newly revised Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests, which came into force last January, clearly stipulates that the principle of equality between men and women should be adhered to in terms of promotion, promotion, evaluation and employment of professional and technical titles and positions, training, etc., and that discrimination against women is not allowed; In Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Shandong, Qingdao and other places in Guangdong, the "mother post" employment model has been developed with the help of the local government. After giving birth, professional women have an employment option that is convenient for both work and childcare; In Shanghai, Shenzhen and other places, the construction of family friendly workplaces has been continuously promoted... mother and baby rooms, nurseries, parental leave, etc., more and more enterprises are joining this ranks to create more convenience for working mothers.

Pay attention to working mothers, of course, not just on Mother's Day. To enable more mothers to balance their career and family, achieve themselves and happiness, and become women in the new era who "ride the wind and waves" is the direction that all parties need to continue to work hard.

Editor in charge: Zhang Zheng

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