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ITV reviews them, explaining what is "the most beautiful" with both hands

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-07 08:15

On the eve of the May Day International Labor Day, the Central Propaganda Department and the All China Federation of Trade Unions jointly released the advanced deeds of "the most beautiful workers" in 2024. Shi Jinglong, Zhan Chunpei, Kong Denian, Tan Shiwang, Wang Qing'an, Pu Yu, Li Chunxi, Cheng Enhu, and Zhang Guirong, 9 winners of the National May Day Labor Medal, were honorably selected.

Labor composes the glorious chapter of the times, and strive to create a better future. Please follow our lens to witness how these "most beautiful workers" achieved "the most beautiful" and interpreted "the most beautiful" with their hands.

Their hands are simple, unyielding and persistent, and they scrupulously abide by the original intention of workers with practical actions. In Xinxiang, Henan Province, Wang Qing'an, with a slightly rough hand, stuck to the field for 33 years, giving farmers how to apply fertilizer scientifically and guarding the "rice bowl" of grain; Shi Jinglong of Changchun, Jilin Province, is the "king of innovation" in the field of automobile manufacturing. With a pair of dedicated hands, he has repeatedly overcome technical problems and contributed innovation to the independent research and development of national brands; In Dali, Yunnan, Li Chunxi, a livestock manure collector, collected livestock manure from house to house every day with a pair of blameless hands, effectively reducing the pollution load of livestock manure on local waters and guarding the blue water and sky of Erhai Lake.

Their hands are dexterous and capable, supporting many people's daily life. Tan Shiwang is an express delivery boy in the mountain area. With unknown hands, he connects countless cares and thoughts for people in and out of the mountain; Pu Yu, the elderly care worker, with a pair of patient hands and meticulous care services, brings warmth and hope to the (rural) disabled and dementia elderly. Zhang Guirong, the online taxi driver, steadied the steering wheel with an able hand, served every passenger attentively, and was active in every volunteer activity scene, adding a touch of warmth to the city.

Their hands, solid and powerful, protect the peace of the country. Zhan Chunpei, the captain of "Haixun 01", drives the maritime flagship with both hands, patrolling the East China Sea, crossing the South China Sea and crossing the equator, firmly defending the country's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests; Kong Denian, a data "detective", is busy in front of the computer, relying on data to enable investigation and solve cases and protect the safety of the masses; Cheng Enhu, the leader of the fire rescue detachment, is a pair of hands to dig through the rubble and save lives. On December 18, 2023, a 6.2 magnitude earthquake occurred in Jishishan County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Cheng Enhu immediately mobilized the team to carry out the search and rescue.

The hands of these workers, without exception, witness their love and persistence in their profession, writing "labor is the most glorious, the most noble, the greatest, and the most beautiful." It is also because of this pair of hands, crop growth, factory operation, happiness of all families, and good times can be achieved.

Salute every pair of hard working hands! To every worker who has made extraordinary contributions to ordinary posts!

Editor in charge: Li Jiayu

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