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Understand the meaning behind the self mockery of "class flavor" by workers in the workplace

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-04-07 10:12

"Once you have been on duty, your temperament will change." Recently, "class flavor" has become a hot word on the Internet - some young people say that it is a different temperament from those who do not work; Some netizens laugh at themselves. Even if they dress up for work, they can't stop the feeling of fatigue that emanates from their whole body

It is a kind of ridicule and a kind of self-regulation to relieve pressure for workers to laugh at their "heavy class flavor". Many office workers should be able to understand these feelings. At present, people in the workplace are under a lot of pressure, some from career prospects, workplace interpersonal relationships, some from invisible overtime, scroll, etc. In a way, the workers' self mockery of "heavy class flavor" is also an expression of appeal, hoping that these issues will be paid attention to by relevant departments.

It is gratifying that these issues have received more and more attention and responses. For example, at this year's two sessions of the National People's Congress, the issue of "invisible overtime" was written into the work report of the Supreme People's Court, which made it clear that "paying substantive labor" and "obviously taking up time" were the criteria for identifying online "invisible overtime", so that online work could be profitable and offline rest could be guaranteed. The Supreme People's Procuratorate and the All China Federation of Trade Unions jointly issued the Notice on Jointly Promoting the Use of the "One Letter, Two Books" System to Protect the Rights and Interests of Workers, to prevent and resolve conflicts and disputes in the labor field, to timely correct illegal employment, in particular to promote the radical cure of wage arrears, illegal overtime arrangements and other social concerns, and to earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers. At the same time, more issues related to safeguarding the rights and interests of workers and improving labor relations are also being discussed and promoted. It is becoming the consensus of more and more enterprises to improve employees' sense of happiness and build a happy enterprise. These responses and actions encourage the workplace people to stick to their dreams and work hard, and are expected to make more workers feel happier and work more smoothly.

Of course, people in the workplace can also take action spontaneously and go to "class taste". After all, for most people, the workplace is a long-term "required course", and self adjustment is an important part of it. Finding a decompression method suitable for yourself will help to achieve a better balance between work and life.

Let workers have more gains in work and enjoy more beauty in life It should be the direction of joint efforts of all parties.

Editor in charge: Li Jiayu

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