Zhonggong Entertainment

ITV | "Inductive" charging for micro dramas is not a long-term solution

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-03-20 16:13

Recently, Ms. Chang (not her real name), who works in Chengdu, Sichuan, said in an interview that when she went home to help her mother sort out her mobile phone information, she found that her mother had many payment records of micro drama and small programs, most of which were 9.9 yuan, 19.9 yuan and 39.9 yuan, and a few of which reached 129 yuan. A media survey found that the micro skits of the current big fire had chaos such as induced payment, high fees and repeated charges. In order to chase the drama "Krypton Gold" crazily, some people continuously recharged 40000 yuan.

In recent years, this kind of mini drama with an average of 5 minutes per episode has become popular and has become the "electronic pickle" in many people's spare time life. However, in general, only the first few episodes of these mini dramas can be watched for free. "How about the future?" requires paying and unlocking layer by layer. Although the price of a single episode seems not high, due to the large number of episodes, the audience may spend a lot of money unconsciously after accumulation.

It can effectively attract users to pay for their favorite audio-visual programs and pay for emotional value. From the marketing perspective, this seems to be successful, but the key to truly attract and retain users is "content". Only by doing a good job in "content" can users be willing to "pay". However, the "inductive" charging of micro short plays is not conducive to the creation of high-quality content: for example, some micro short plays tend to be fast-paced and refined at the initial stage of the story in order to attract attention, which leads people into the "pit". Later, they do things perfunctorily. In addition, deliberately creating suspense at the end of each episode is often regarded as a "wealth code", which easily leads the creators to spend their main energy on designing "bait", thus ignoring the refined production of the overall content.

Individual platforms have designed the "inductive" charging mode of mini dramas, which has blurred the charging standard, stepped the charging amount, and even automatically renewed the fees without informing consumers. These practices are not straightforward enough, nor are they a long-term solution. Moreover, these practices are suspected of infringing consumers' right to know and fair trade. For consumers, they may pay the bill because they can't restrain their curiosity when chasing the "top" of the show at first. Once they find that the routine is full afterwards, they will inevitably be dissatisfied with this mechanism, so they can vote with their feet and "abandon the show". This kind of operation is not desirable because of the loss of "people's hearts" for short-term benefits.

Establish good health Open and transparent The relevant practitioners, platforms and regulators should do their best to ensure that, More in-depth discussions and specifications will be conducted on the charging standards, consumption awareness, content quality and other issues of micro dramas. From excellence content This creative key Starting from this point, micro short plays are expected to move from "traffic" to "boutique" and from "popular" to "ever popular".

Editor in charge: Li Jiayu

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