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Why does this hotline become a "fast track" to solve employees' demands?

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-02-08 18:14

On November 20, 2023, the Anhui Federation of Trade Unions received a 12351 hotline call from migrant workers, saying that five of their workers were in arrears with their wages. Through the hotline information platform independently developed by Anhui Federation of Trade Unions, the work order was sent to Wuhu Federation of Trade Unions in Anhui Province.

12351 Zuo Mengfan, manager of the service hotline of Anhui Federation of Trade Unions, told reporters that Wuhu Federation of Trade Unions organized mediation through file inquiries, interviews and investigations. Finally, the company agreed to transfer all funds to the employee's own account in the afternoon of November 23. The employees reflected that 5 employees had helped 11 migrant workers recover more than 160000 yuan.

This is one of the vivid cases that the Anhui Federation of Trade Unions independently developed a hotline information platform to address the demands of employees. They used new technology to integrate the hotline platform, physical platform and network platform into one, realizing the unified management of employees' demands, and promoting work innovation under the deep coordination of AI traffic big model and big data analysis.

In the process of responding to the needs of employees, the construction of the platform compressed the transactional links such as file exchange in the process of appeal processing, and improved the work efficiency; Moreover, in the case of possible multiple and repeated employee responses, the "three in one" model is conducive to more efficient implementation of the hotline "everything has an echo, everything has a landing".

Of course, high efficiency, but also good results. On the information platform of the hotline, every step of dealing with employees' demands and return visit information are recorded in detail for statistical analysis. With such "quality inspection", the service level of the hotline can be constantly improved. It is believed that with the accumulation of hotline data and the assistance of AI and big data technology, the platform can have more room for improvement and solve the urgent needs of more employees.

The workers have their voice, and the trade union has its answer. The standard to test the effectiveness of the hotline is whether the staff and workers are satisfied. It can be said that the General Manager of Anhui Province Labour Union A series of practices of The 12351 hotline has taken the lead in the construction of digital intelligence. At a time when employees have higher expectations for the timeliness and effectiveness of solving problems in the mobile Internet era, it is worth learning from trade unions at all levels to meet the personalized needs of the masses of workers at all times, everywhere and in everything. This "heart to heart bridge" that connects the masses of workers directly, Can better meet the new needs of the workers and staff masses for trade union organizations in the new era New expectations.

Editor in charge: Li Jiayu

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