Zhonggong Entertainment

ITV | You protect the people's safety, I protect your honor

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-01-10 13:56

"110" is not only a group of familiar numbers, it represents responsibility, protection, and even a light when the people are in danger. On January 10, 2024, we ushered in the fourth Chinese People's Police Day.

Someone said, "There is a kind of security called 'I am in China'". Behind this emotion, there are countless people's policemen's tenacious intentions to uphold justice; With their warm guard at the end of the alarm phone, they change day and night; They have the responsibility of not fearing the heat and cold, unblocking traffic and ensuring road safety; It has the "sharp knife power" of a close call and surprising victory... This "dark blue" figure is just like a glimmer of light, converging into a torch, which makes people feel at ease.

The people's police are not born heroes. They are also parents, husbands, wives, children, and ordinary people who also need care and protection. "In peacetime, the public security team is the team with the most sacrifice and dedication." For this special team, we should give more sincere love. We should comprehensively implement preferential treatment measures for police, send care to the hearts of police, and effectively enhance their professional reputation, pride and sense of belonging.

The people's police serve the people and the people love the people. Thanks to you, the mountains and rivers are safe and the fireworks are ordinary. Let's also use the system to protect their glory.

Editor in charge: Li Jiayu

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