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 China Industrial and Commercial Union

Theoretical Practice

General leader

Wang Dongming, Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions

Chen Gang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, First Secretary of the Secretariat, Secretary of the Party Committee of the organ

Zhang Shaoqin, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions (concurrently)

Weng Jieming, Vice Chairman of All China Federation of Trade Unions (concurrently)

Zhang Xiaolan, Vice Chairman of All China Federation of Trade Unions (concurrently)

Tan Tianxing, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Secretary of the Secretariat, Member of the Party Leadership Group

Jiang Guangping, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Secretary of the Secretariat, Member of the Party Leadership Group

Wang Shaofeng, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions (concurrently)

Li Xiaozhong Member of the Party Leadership Group of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Director of the Fund Review Committee

Ma Jixiao, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Qinghai Provincial Committee, Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions (concurrently)

Leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission of Housing Construction and Bangladesh in the All China Federation of Trade Unions, and member of the Party Leadership Group of the All China Federation of Trade Unions

Wei Dichun, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Secretary of the Secretariat, Member of the Party Leadership Group

Ma Lu, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Secretary of the Secretariat, member of the Party Leadership Group, and candidate for Vice Chairman (concurrently) of the All China Women's Federation

Guo Mingyi, Vice Chairman of All China Federation of Trade Unions (concurrently)

Ju Xiaolin, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions (concurrently)

Gao Fenglin, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions (concurrently)

Zhang Maohua, Secretary of the Secretariat of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Member of the Party Leadership Group, Head of the Organization Department

Xu Shansong Secretary of the Secretariat of the All China Federation of Trade Unions and member of the Party Leadership Group

Zou Zhen Secretary of the Secretariat of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, member of the Party Leadership Group

  • "Healthy living room" gives employees more sense of gain

    It not only enables employees to have "health doctors" around them, meeting their new needs for health, but also makes them a paradise for caring for their health, giving them more sense of gain and happiness.
    2020-12-08 08:51:07

  • How to take the road of becoming talents and serving the country with skills

    In the face of the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, how can we encourage more workers, especially young people, to take the path of becoming skilled and serving the country with skills, and cultivate more highly skilled talents and craftsmen from large countries?
    2020-12-07 14:32:47

  • It is necessary for trade unions to add a sense of ritual to the career of workers

    The trade union held the ceremony of employee members' entry, membership, awarding of honor and retirement, which was not "timely" but "practical". It not only respected the parties, but also directly affirmed the glorious values of labor.
    2020-12-07 10:19:18

  • Taking history as a mirror to promote the innovative development of theoretical research on labor movement

    Promote the research on the history and current situation of the labor movement to show new achievements and create a new situation in the new era and new journey.
    2020-12-07 08:07:57

  • Learn from the "Three Spirits" to forge ahead in the new era

    Entering the new era, we need to more accurately grasp the connotation of the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsman spirit, promote the whole society to form a good trend of respecting labor and labor glory, and let the "three spirits" become a strong spiritual power to lead the people to create new historical undertakings.
    2020-12-07 07:59:54

  • New journey of uniting and mobilizing hundreds of millions of workers to make contributions

    On November 24, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the national commendation conference for model workers and advanced workers.
    2020-12-02 07:13:54

  • Continue to write a new chapter of the Party's labor movement cause and trade union work

    China is a socialist country in which the people are the masters of the country. The Party and the country have always adhered to the principle of relying wholeheartedly on the working class, always attached great importance to the important position of the working class and the vast number of working people in the development of the Party and the country's cause, and always attached great importance to playing the important role of model workers and advanced workers.
    2020-12-01 07:17:16

  • Fulfill the spirit of model workers and work to the utmost

    On November 24, the 2020 National Conference for Commending Model Workers and Advanced Workers was held. General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the conference and delivered an important speech, spoke highly of the important position and role of the working class and the working masses in the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and fully affirmed the outstanding contributions and lofty spirit of national model workers and advanced workers.
    2020-11-30 08:36:18

  • Stimulate innovation with the spirit of model workers

    On November 24, the 2020 National Conference for Commending Model Workers and Advanced Workers was held. General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the conference and delivered an important speech, spoke highly of the important position and role of the working class and the working masses in the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and fully affirmed the outstanding contributions and lofty spirit of national model workers and advanced workers.
    2020-11-30 08:36:08

  • Carry forward the spirit of model workers and pool the strength of striving

    On November 24, the 2020 National Conference for Commending Model Workers and Advanced Workers was held. General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the conference and delivered an important speech, spoke highly of the important position and role of the working class and the working masses in the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and fully affirmed the outstanding contributions and lofty spirit of national model workers and advanced workers.
    2020-11-30 08:32:09

  • Trade union organizations should build a platform for model workers to play their roles

    The important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the national commendation conference for model workers and advanced workers incisively explained the profound connotation of the spirit of model workers, the spirit of labor, and the spirit of craftsmanship, and the important significance of carrying forward the three spirits in the new era.
    2020-11-30 08:29:51

  • Strive to build a high-quality labor force

    The quality of workers is crucial to the development of a country and a nation. In today's world, the competition of comprehensive national strength is in the final analysis the competition of talents and the quality of workers.
    2020-11-30 07:08:50

  • Show the style of the main force and sing the song of the strivers in the new era

    Based on the new stage of development, implement the new concept of development, build a new pattern of development, promote high-quality development, foster opportunities in the crisis, and start a new situation in the changing situation, we must firmly rely on the working class and the working people.
    2020-11-27 07:30:07

  • Let the spirit of model workers become popular in the new era

    Model workers are the elites of the nation, the models of the people, and the meritorious officials of the Republic. In the new era, we should vigorously carry forward the spirit of model workers, and promote the whole society to form a good custom of respecting labor and the glory of labor.
    2020-11-26 14:18:39

  • Let work be glorious and great become the strong voice of the times

    They have created extraordinary achievements in ordinary posts, and interpreted the great spirit of creation, struggle, unity and dream of the Chinese people with practical actions.
    2020-11-26 10:16:00

  • Tribute to the most beautiful strivers in the new era

    Socialism is the result of work, and the new era is the result of struggle. We salute the most beautiful strivers in the new era!
    2020-11-26 07:38:00

  • Vigorously carry forward the spirit of model workers, the spirit of labor, the spirit of craftsman

    Model workers are the elites of the nation, the models of the people, and the meritorious officials of the Republic. In 1950, the Party and the country first commended model workers. In the past 70 years, heroes and brilliant stars have emerged on all fronts.
    2020-11-26 00:00:00

  • Pursuing dreams requires strong spiritual inspiration

    "Who is the model worker in your heart?" Recently, the official microblog of the Workers' Daily launched a topic discussion around the model worker, and many netizens actively left messages to pay tribute to the model worker.
    2020-11-24 08:07:17

  • Telling a good story about model workers is a good way to educate and guide workers

    In accordance with the principle of geographical proximity, the propaganda group has one municipal general group and 13 county/district sub groups. Among them, there are 30 members in the total group and 70 members in 13 sub groups.
    2020-11-23 09:28:11

  • Providing more learning opportunities for model workers is required by the times

    Today, with the rapid development of science and technology and the general improvement of the quality of industrial workers, model workers and craftsmen should have a sense of urgency and consciously ask themselves to make progress in order to maintain the honor while obtaining the honor.
    2020-11-20 13:29:08

  • Make the "Team Lecture Hall" a "Skill Filling Station" for employees

    The good thing about the "team lecture hall" is that the classroom is located near the production line and employees. They can get training without going out of the factory or workshop, which provides great convenience for employees.
    2020-11-19 09:26:58

  • Migrant workers' schools make trade unions more attractive

    In practice, it not only solves the practical difficulties of migrant workers, but also makes trade union organizations more attractive, and activates the "beehive effect" of migrant workers' source membership.
    2020-11-19 09:17:23

  • It is a multi win move to open a staff decompression class

    It is hoped that local trade union organizations can learn more from and learn from the good practice of setting up stress relief classes for employees, provide more stress relief care and humanistic care, so as to not only protect the psychological health of employees, but also help the development and growth of enterprises.
    2020-11-18 14:01:55

  • Labor relations reform and management innovation in the post epidemic era

    New employment groups have become a new growth point for the development of trade union members. How to explore and make breakthroughs in keeping with the pace of the times and achieve effective coverage of new employment groups is the focus of the current work of trade union organization construction.
    2020-11-16 08:19:18

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