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 China Industrial and Commercial Union

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General leader

Wang Dongming, Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions

Chen Gang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, First Secretary of the Secretariat, Secretary of the Party Committee of the organ

Zhang Shaoqin, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions (concurrently)

Weng Jieming, Vice Chairman of All China Federation of Trade Unions (concurrently)

Zhang Xiaolan, Vice Chairman of All China Federation of Trade Unions (concurrently)

Tan Tianxing, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Secretary of the Secretariat, Member of the Party Leadership Group

Jiang Guangping, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Secretary of the Secretariat, Member of the Party Leadership Group

Wang Shaofeng, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions (concurrently)

Li Xiaozhong Member of the Party Leadership Group of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Director of the Fund Review Committee

Ma Jixiao, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Qinghai Provincial Committee, Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions (concurrently)

Leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission of Housing Construction and Bangladesh in the All China Federation of Trade Unions, and member of the Party Leadership Group of the All China Federation of Trade Unions

Wei Dichun, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Secretary of the Secretariat, Member of the Party Leadership Group

Ma Lu, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Secretary of the Secretariat, member of the Party Leadership Group, and candidate for Vice Chairman (concurrently) of the All China Women's Federation

Guo Mingyi, Vice Chairman of All China Federation of Trade Unions (concurrently)

Ju Xiaolin, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions (concurrently)

Gao Fenglin, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions (concurrently)

Zhang Maohua, Secretary of the Secretariat of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Member of the Party Leadership Group, Head of the Organization Department

Xu Shansong Secretary of the Secretariat of the All China Federation of Trade Unions and member of the Party Leadership Group

Zou Zhen Secretary of the Secretariat of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, member of the Party Leadership Group

Deepen the reform and innovation of trade unions

Li Yi
2019-01-03 08:56:29

The report of the 17th National Congress of the Trade Union proposed that reform and innovation are the strongest voice of the development of the times, and also the inexhaustible driving force for the vigorous development of the labor movement cause. Trade unions at all levels should focus on strengthening their political nature, advancement and popularity, further optimize their organizational system, operating mechanism, management mode and working methods, and carry out the reform of trade unions to the end.

   1、 The Importance and Urgency of Promoting Trade Union Reform

Trade union reform is a concrete practice of implementing Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Insisting on comprehensively deepening reform is one of the basic strategies of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that we should adhere to the reform direction of trade unions to enhance their political, advanced and mass character, pointing out that the times are developing, the cause is innovating, and trade union work should also be developed and innovated; Efforts should be made to build mechanisms, strengthen functions, increase effectiveness, and innovate organizational systems, operating mechanisms, activity methods, working methods, etc. These important statements have pointed out the direction for the development of the group undertakings, including trade union work. The reform of trade unions must be guided by Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, especially General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on the work of the working class and trade unions, and promote its vivid practice in the trade union system.

Trade union reform is an integral part of comprehensively deepening reform. The 19th National Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China set new tasks for comprehensively deepening reform around the new requirements for the development of the cause of the Party and the country. Comprehensively deepening reform is a complex systematic project involving various fields of economic and social development. We must fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties and rely on the joint efforts of all people, including the majority of workers. As an integral part of the overall deepening of reform, the reform of trade unions has been incorporated into the general ledger of reform and promoted together, which is conducive to further enhancing the attractiveness and cohesion of trade unions, better guiding the broad masses of workers and staff to participate in the torrent of comprehensively deepening reform, actively participating in supporting and promoting reform, and consolidating the mass foundation of reform.

The reform of trade unions is an important part of implementing the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and promoting the reform of mass organizations. On July 6, 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward clear requirements for the reform and innovation of mass organizations at the mass work conference of the Central Party; In late July, the CPC Central Committee decided to carry out the pilot reform of the central mass organizations in the All China Federation of Trade Unions; On November 9, the 18th meeting of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform deliberated and agreed in principle on the Pilot Plan for the Reform of the All China Federation of Trade Unions; On February 6, 2017, the 32nd meeting of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform heard the summary report of the pilot work of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Shanghai and Chongqing mass league reform; On August 22, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions on the reform of the mass organization; The Third Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee put forward new requirements for deepening the reform of mass organizations. Unswervingly promoting the reform of trade unions is an important measure to implement the CPC Central Committee's efforts to strengthen and improve the work of the Party's mass organizations in the new situation, and an important political task that trade unions must complete.

Trade union reform is an urgent need to adhere to the mass line and better serve the broad masses of workers. The mass line is the lifeline and fundamental work line of the Party, as well as the lifeline and fundamental work line of trade union work. With the development of economy and society, the workforce has undergone profound changes, and the needs of employees have become more diverse. The demand for differentiated and accurate services has become more urgent. In particular, the new generation of employees have a broader vision and stronger sense of autonomy, and the voice of safeguarding their own rights and realizing their own value has become increasingly prominent. However, there is still a certain gap between the rights protection services of local trade unions, especially grass-roots trade unions, and the diversified needs of workers; Some trade union organizations are not attractive enough to workers, especially young workers and migrant workers, and workers are not enthusiastic enough to participate in trade union activities. The urgent need of the workers and staff for trade union organizations is not only an important driving force to promote trade union work, but also the direction of trade union reform.

The reform of trade unions is the internal requirement for the cause of labor movement and the work of trade unions to maintain vitality. Keeping pace with the times, reform and innovation have always been the distinctive features of trade union work and labor movement. In recent years, facing the complicated international situation and the arduous task of domestic reform, development and stability, the trade union organization still has some problems that need to be solved urgently, which has affected the exertion of trade union functions and the improvement of work level, and restricted the in-depth development of trade union work. How trade union organizations adapt to the new situation and requirements, promote reform and innovation, and maintain vitality is a practical problem that must be solved. Only through reform and efforts to break down the institutional barriers that restrict the innovative development of trade union work can we continuously increase the new vitality of trade union work and raise trade union work to a new level.

   2、 Basic Principles of Deepening the Reform and Innovation of Trade Unions

First, we must firmly grasp the main line of maintaining and strengthening political, advanced and mass character. This is the direction of trade union work in the new era, and also the direction of trade union reform. We should put maintaining and strengthening political nature first, strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence", achieve the "Two Safeguards", and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core in ideology and political action. We should take maintaining and enhancing the advanced nature as an important focus, firmly grasp the theme of the times to strive for the realization of the Chinese Dream, organize, mobilize and unite hundreds of millions of workers and masses, and always be the deep class and mass foundation for the Party to govern, the solid reliance on reform, development and stability, and the main force to realize the Chinese Dream. We should take maintaining and strengthening the mass character as the fundamental feature of trade union organizations, establish and improve a long-term mechanism to connect with the masses of workers, and provide accurate and right services according to the needs of the masses of workers.

Second, we must focus on overcoming and preventing the problem orientation of "institutionalization, administration, aristocratization and entertainment". The issue of "four modernizations" has long been strongly reflected by the masses, and is also the focus and difficulty of promoting reform. We should adhere to the orientation of highlighting problems, establish awareness of problems, carefully sort out the specific manifestations of the "four modernizations" in different places and departments of trade union organizations, find the crux, apply the right medicine to the case, study one by one, and focus on solving the tendency of the operating mechanism to be institutionalized and administrated, the weak foundation at the grass-roots level, and the mismatch between work supply and staff demand The ability and quality of cadres do not meet the requirements of the situation and tasks, and other outstanding problems. We have always maintained the strength of reform and innovation.

Third, we must seize the key link of enhancing the vitality of grass-roots trade unions and giving play to their role. The focus of trade union work is at the grass-roots level, and the weak link is precisely at the grass-roots level. The reform of trade unions should adhere to the principle of "looking down and facing the grassroots", effectively protect and mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of workers and grassroots trade union cadres, and realize that grassroots trade unions "have people, money and ability to handle affairs". We must focus on expanding the coverage of grass-roots trade unions, tilt more trade union resources to the grass-roots level, invest more work energy in the frontline at the grass-roots level, respect the pioneering spirit of the grass-roots level, encourage bold innovation in combination with reality, summarize and promote good experience and good practices in practice, so that trade union organizations can better rally people's minds, connect with the masses, and stick to outposts at the grass-roots level and among the staff and workers, Become a stronger fighting team and task force.

Fourth, we must adhere to the work orientation of taking staff as the center. The masses of workers and staff are the inexhaustible source of strength for the reform of trade unions. The concern of the masses of workers and staff is the fundamental driving force for the reform and innovation of trade unions. The reform of trade unions should not be closed and self closed. Instead, we should stand on the position of workers and start from their interests, seize the most direct and realistic interest problems and the most difficult and urgent practical problems that the workers and staff most care about, plan reform ideas, formulate reform measures, and adhere to what the workers and staff care about and expect, so as to grasp and promote trade union reform, Let the staff and workers play the leading role, so that the staff and workers have their voice and reform response, strive to make the trade union reform conform to the wishes of the broad masses of staff and workers, get the support of the broad masses of staff and workers, and enhance the sense of gain and recognition of the reform and innovation of the trade union.

   3、 Key measures to deepen reform and innovation of trade unions

The key to deepening the reform and innovation of trade unions lies in deepening, which is reflected not only in the overall efforts, multiple breakthroughs and in-depth promotion of reform, but also in the major reform measures to achieve breakthrough progress in important areas and key links. The Implementation Plan for Deepening the Reform and Innovation of Trade Unions issued by the All China Federation of Trade Unions on September 25, 2018 proposed 30 specific measures in 7 aspects. Trade unions at all levels should, in accordance with the deployment of the 17th National Congress of Trade Unions on reform and innovation of trade unions, organically combine "top-level design" and "grassroots exploration", focus on "deepening" and "innovation", effectively strengthen the functions of trade union organizations in solidarity education, safeguarding rights and interests, serving workers, and build a trade union work system with extensive contacts and serving workers, We will make trade union organizations more dynamic, strong and powerful.

First, the trade union reform was promoted as a whole through the linkage between the top and bottom. Strengthen the connection and coordination between trade unions and the reform of central and local institutions, focus on the main responsibility and main business, and form a trade union work system that has extensive connections and serves workers. Close the relationship between the superior and subordinate trade unions, improve the systems of regular reporting, major event request report, information submission, work notification, guidance service, etc., and strengthen the work coordination of the leading departments, industries, and directly affiliated units of the trade union. Explore the establishment of a special group to carry out work and strengthen the guidance services provided by the leading organs of the trade union. Study and develop the manuals (guidelines, guidelines) for various business modules of grassroots trade unions. Strengthen the management of work planning and improve the standardization of the operation of the organs. Adjust the setting of relevant national industrial trade unions, and establish and improve the industrial trade union organization system according to the actual industrial development. We should straighten out the relationship between local trade unions and national industrial trade unions, between leading departments and industrial trade unions, and between enterprise group trade unions and local trade unions and industrial trade unions. We will increase support for the work of industrial trade unions. We will do a good job in transforming the trade union system into an enterprise.

Second, actively build smart trade unions. Strengthen the top-level design of the "Internet+" trade union, make full use of modern network technology and means, take the "Four Ones" as the starting point, adjust the functions of relevant departments, and promote the integrated development of the Internet and trade union work. We will promote the implementation of the National Trade Union Online Work Program (2017-2020), and build a large trade union database with dynamic real name, comprehensive coverage, and safe sharing. The All China Federation of Trade Unions paid close attention to building a universal platform for online work of national trade unions, and provincial trade unions actively carried out the construction of online work platforms of local trade unions. Trade unions at the provincial and prefecture (city) levels shall establish portal websites, and if conditions permit, trade unions at the county (district) level may establish portal websites separately or set up channels in the prefecture (city) level websites. The trade unions of enterprises and public institutions build an online platform for internal contact with employees. Promote the interconnection between upper and lower level trade union organizations, and gradually form an online work system of trade unions led by the General Assembly, followed up by local governments, participated by industries, coordinated interaction, and organically combined online and offline. Make full use of mobile clients, microblog, WeChat, and the "12351" employee service hotline to establish and improve the new media matrix of the trade union. Enrich the content of the online work platform, the portal website undertakes the functions of information release, policy interpretation, service and so on, and the "two micro end" highlights skills training, rights protection services and other functions. Strengthen online positive publicity, grasp the timing, degree and efficiency of online public opinion guidance, and build a clear space on the network.

The third is to constantly consolidate the base course foundation. We should set up a clear direction of focusing on the grass-roots level, adhere to the concept of "going to the grass-roots level and relying on the grass-roots level", further tilt the working force and use of funds to the grass-roots level, and realize the establishment of the association according to law, the opening of the door, the strict governance of the association, and the revitalization of the association with talents. Focus on guiding cities and towns and development zones (industrial parks) to do a good job in the establishment of trade unions and the development of members, vigorously promote the establishment of non-public economic organizations and social organizations, target truck drivers and other groups, focus on construction projects, logistics (express) industry, family service industry, farmers' professional cooperation organizations and other fields (industries), and do a good job in the accession of service workers and migrant workers. We will improve the township (street) - village (community) - enterprise small three-level trade union organization system. Strengthen the construction of trade unions at the county level and in central cities, promote the construction of new economic organizations, new social organizations, trade unions in development zones (industrial parks), and strengthen the construction of women workers' organizations in trade unions. We will strengthen the work of trade unions of overseas enterprises in going global enterprises and the Belt and Road Initiative. We will strengthen the standardization of grassroots trade unions and build a vertically and horizontally interwoven network of chemical industry associations. Improve the organizational structure of the trade union federation. Strengthen the dominant position of workers in the establishment of the association, explore ways such as online application of workers for membership, and promote the extension of trade union organizations to emerging groups in emerging fields. We will promote the real name management of grassroots trade union organizations and trade union members. Standardize the leadership relationship and management system of the trade union organization of the Group Company. Implement the list of rights and responsibilities management and performance appraisal system for the work of grass-roots trade unions, and deepen the work of member appraisal. We should develop and train a large number of trade union activists in enterprises, establish and improve the work subsidy system for part-time trade union cadres in enterprises, and strengthen the construction of the workers' team of social chemical associations. We will improve the use and management of trade union funds and reform the current budget allocation methods. We will improve the mechanism for subsidizing the working funds of trade unions in villages and towns (sub districts), and study and solve the problem of the disconnection between the trade union organization system and the financial management system.

Author's unit: Research Office of All China Federation of Trade Unions

Source: China Industrial Network Trade Union Information
Edit: Zhao Jilan


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