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The story of the old factory is integrated with modern design

Kunming builds "industrial worker cultural street"

Ulmus pumila

08:53, May 24, 2024 Source: Workers' Daily

Recently, the "Industrial Worker Cultural Street" in Panlong District, Kunming, Yunnan Province was unveiled. This "industrial worker cultural street" aims to tap the unique resources of industrial workers' living areas, integrate grassroots social governance, vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsmanship, and fully promote the construction and reform of industrial workers.

It is reported that under the support and guidance of Yunnan Federation of Trade Unions and Kunming Federation of Trade Unions, this is the first "industrial worker cultural street" in Yunnan jointly built by Panlong District Federation of Trade Unions, Jinchen Street and Tianxiang Community.

In the process of building, Panlong District always combines the stories of old factories, history and culture, talented craftsmen, modern design concepts, and the neighborhood atmosphere, and tells the story of industrial workers living in Tianxiang Community who silently contribute and courageously pursue their dreams through the "industrial imprint creative corridor"; The spiritual outlook of industrial workers in different times in Panlong District is displayed through the "cultural home of industrial workers"; Publicize the construction and reform of industrial workers in the new era through the "Knowledge and Culture Corridor of Industrial Reform".

According to Li Xiang, vice chairman of the Kunming Federation of Trade Unions, the rich and diverse trade union activities and community activities of the "Industrial Workers Cultural Block" not only serve the older generation of industrial workers, but also enhance the happiness of the new generation of industrial workers.

In order to promote the popularity of the "Industrial Workers Cultural Street", the unveiling ceremony also held a staff interest challenge activity of "Salute Industrial Workers · Punch Card Cultural Street". The selfless dedication of the older generation of industrial workers was publicized through six small punch in activities, such as "the 'industrial reform' culture", a phrase to pay tribute to the model workers of the times, and "back to that year" comic wall self timer.

In addition, Panlong District President also released for the first time the IP image of six industrial workers, including digital economy technicians, rail transit attendants, auto maintenance workers, express delivery workers, sanitation workers, and construction workers.

(Editor in charge: Liu Qiong, Zhang Wen)