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Shenyang has taken many measures to promote the city's characteristics

Model Worker Becomes "City Tourism Recommender"

Liu Xu

08:52, May 24, 2024 Source: Workers' Daily

Recently, 53 municipal model worker volunteer teams have been active in many scenic spots in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, providing tourists with a series of volunteer services such as information consultation, scenic spot explanation, tourist counseling, civilized tourism publicity, and garbage collection. This is one of the "fancy tour" activities for model workers carried out by Shenyang Federation of Trade Unions.

It is reported that in the activity of "fancy tour" for model workers, Shenyang invited famous model workers at all levels, such as An Liang, Gao Pengfei, Liu Jingxian, Yang Jianhua, Ying Na, and model workers from volunteer service posts in major scenic spots to serve as "city tourism recommenders", introducing the characteristics and culture of various scenic spots in Shenyang, as well as the surrounding food, including industrial culture and model workers' culture, While promoting the work of the trade union, it also helped to promote Shenyang's urban characteristics.

At the same time, Shenyang General Organization has organized model workers (staff) volunteers to set up volunteer service posts at the entrance of scenic spots, vehicle parking places, viewing platforms and other places where tourists are concentrated. In the scenic spot of Laobei City, the volunteer service team of Deng Yongyong, wearing "Volunteer Red", enthusiastically provides services for tourists; In the square park scenic spot of Zhang Xueliang's former residence exhibition hall, Jingyadong migrant workers' model labor service team helps tourists clock in and take photos; In the Labor Park, the Model Worker Volunteer Service Team of Worker Village, Tiexi District actively publicizes and popularizes environmental protection knowledge, and carries out civilized tourism guidance services.

In addition, Shenyang Model Worker Memorial Hall has set up several booths. Fang Wenmo and other model workers interact with tourists in front of their booths to tell stories about the model workers in the museum. The Memorial Hall of Model Workers also uses a combination of interpretation and live performance to show the model workers in different historical periods of Shenyang.

(Editor in charge: Liu Qiong, Zhang Wen)