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Qi Songyu makes production more intelligent with new achievements in tackling key problems one by one, and makes smart cars more intelligent, safe and reliable——

Old Model Worker Chases "New" Records

Peng Bing and Liu Shanshan

14:27, May 20, 2024 Source: Workers' Daily

The picture shows Qi Songyu repairing the pipeline of multi vehicle modular fixture. Photograph provided by respondents

Qi Songyu, the chief technical master of FAW Group, was interviewed at about 8:30 on Saturday morning, but he arrived at the studio at 6:30.

"I arrive at the factory at this time every day. It's quiet in the morning, so that I can concentrate on my research." Qi Songyu received a reporter at the factory gate. He turned around to enter the factory. A ray of sunshine hit the camera at the back of the car, and the reversing image on the display screen inside the car was instantly blurred by a halo. Qi Songyu could not help but frown: "It is one of my current research topics to solve the problem of unclear images in strong light, low light and other environments through visual enhancement technology."

Intelligence, networking, lightweight and low-carbon are the development direction of the automobile industry. During the interview, the reporter found that most of Qi Songyu's research topics were related to this: the remote control unmanned intelligent cockpit rushing to "hot search", the powerful human-computer interaction system development experience test platform, the first all aluminum alloy subframe in China

At present, the national model worker who is over 50 years old is fully engaged in the great change of the automotive industry. He is "new" in the intelligent workshop, making production more intelligent with new achievements in technology research, and making smart cars more intelligent, safe and reliable.

Pursue "New" and "Quality" in Intelligent Manufacturing Workshop

Hundreds of AGVs (driverless logistics vehicles) shuttle back and forth to orderly deliver parts to the designated station; All kinds of industrial robots operate freely and assemble the car body flexibly... When entering the FAW Hongqi Digital Intelligent General Assembly Workshop, you can feel the new quality productivity everywhere. Among them, Qi Songyu contributed wisdom in many places.

"Although these AGVs are very obedient now, when they first arrived, they often didn't follow the ground magnetic stripe track, and some 'fools' hit the wall, injuring all the parts they transported." Qi Songyu told the reporter with a smile in his eyes, after several months of tracking and analysis, he led the team to compile "traffic control" software, and loaded AGVs with auxiliary positioning, auxiliary control and other functions, To make them smart and obedient.

Those tireless robots in the workshop have also been transformed by Qi Songyu.

Although the robot is intelligent, it cannot sense its own fault. In order to ensure their accurate operation, Qi Songyu attached a set of "smart doctor" system to the robot with the help of sensors, which can monitor its operation status at any time, find fault signs as soon as possible, and "cure" them in advance, so as to avoid the production line shutdown caused by the robot's sudden "prostration". This set of "predictive maintenance" technology also won the first prize of the International Intellectual Property Organization Exchange Conference.

For the automobile industry in the critical period of transformation and upgrading, it is particularly important to accelerate the formation of new quality productivity. "As a front-line industrial worker, we should take the initiative to participate in the development of new quality productivity." During the speech, Qi Songyu led the reporters to the test platform for the vehicle intelligent module that he led the team to build independently.

The simulation platform in front of us is like a "transparent" whole vehicle. In the meantime, the power system, entertainment system, comfort system and other internal structures, which are usually covered by the steel ribs of the car body, can be seen at a glance around the body, and the operation status of each module is clearly presented in front of us.

"With it, it is easy to test the operation of parts." Qi Songyu told reporters that in addition to significantly improving production quality and efficiency, this platform can also be used for software development and teaching.

"Persistence is the key to success"

"He always finds out what needs to be improved in technology from around him, and keeps on fighting to the end." In the eyes of his colleagues, this distinctive feature of Qi Songyu is doomed to his indissoluble fate with innovation and creation.

One day in 2003, Qi Songyu was fined 200 yuan for missing 4 solder joints. "There are about 6000 welding spots on a body in white. A little negligence will lead to missed welding, and some workers will be punished for it." At that time, Qi Songyu, who has worked as a maintenance electrician for eight years, had just become a spot welder, and the missed welding is also a common problem that plagues the industry.

After more than 3000 tests, Qi Songyu developed the "automatic monitoring technology of resistance spot welding process quality". Through automatic monitoring and automatic voice alarm of the whole welding process, he successfully overcame the problem of missing welding.

"In eight years, after a round of technical improvement, all the people who followed me gave up halfway." Qi Songyu continued to upgrade this technology, and finally won the second prize of 2011 National Science and Technology Progress Award with this achievement.

Qi Songyu summed up his motto during this journey: "Persistence is the key to success". Since then, every achievement of his innovation has been inseparable from his insistence on "sticking to the green mountains and not relaxing".

When Qi Songyu was assigned to develop an all aluminum alloy subframe at a critical moment, he faced many difficulties: technical blockade was implemented abroad, and domestic related research was almost zero; Aluminum alloy has poor formability and is easy to crack and wrinkle, which brings great challenges to stamping, welding and other processes

In order to bite this hard bone, Qi Songyu goes to the School of Materials of Harbin Institute of Technology every weekend for advice. On Friday night, he took a 4-hour green car from Changchun to Harbin, and when he arrived, he paid his own money to live in a small hotel near the school for 30 yuan a night.

"Each teaching and research room knocked on the door, and the teacher who was there begged him to 'open a small kitchen' for me..." Qi Songyu recalled that he returned to the workshop laboratory with new knowledge that was still steaming hot, and often worked in the middle of the night.

After one year and nine months of tireless efforts, Qi Songyu gave birth to the first all aluminum alloy subframe in China. Now, all FAW self owned brand models are equipped with this frame.

"Compared with the steel subframe, the all aluminum alloy subframe has a weight reduction of 40% and the whole vehicle has a weight reduction of 16 kg." Qi Songyu told the reporter that according to the calculation of the International Lightweight Alliance, for every 100 kg weight reduction of the car, the fuel consumption will be reduced by 6% to 8%, and the exhaust emissions will be reduced by 50% to 60%.

The confidence to be "new"

Entering Qi Songyu's office, the reporter caught a glimpse of the empty bucket of noodles on the computer desk and a large box of instant noodles in the corner.

This reminds the reporter of his nickname - "Noodle Qi". In order to spare more time to learn technology, Qi Songyu always uses the simplest noodles to "cope" with meals. Because of this, "Noodles Qi", who was born in a technical school, won college and undergraduate diplomas all the way through self-taught examinations. His major has also extended from electrical and electronics to computer principles and applications and enterprise on-site management.

Seeing Qi Songyu's innovative achievements span multiple disciplines, many people wonder what kind of work he is doing.

"I have worked on and studied the four major processes of automobile manufacturing stamping, welding, painting and final assembly." Qi Songyu said that the technical background of composite work is also his motivation to be "new".

In the past 30 years, Qi Songyu has achieved 28 innovative achievements, 33 invention patents, won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, the gold medal of the International Invention Exhibition, and other domestic and foreign heavyweight scientific and technological innovation awards... Qi Songyu is the object of young workers competing for teachers in the factory.

The apprentice Yang Zhenbo pointed to Qi Songyu's bone conduction earphones hanging behind his ears and said to the reporter: "Three years ago, when we saw the master wearing earphones that don't need to be put into his ears, we teased him about his" avant-garde ". He took the opportunity to teach us to pay more attention to new products and technologies around us, figure out the research principles, and maybe we can find innovative inspiration from them."

Qi Songyu did not forget to be "new" when cultivating skilled talents.

His latest research and development achievement "digital skills software platform" is a "learning weapon" that uses mixed reality technology to help young workers quickly improve their skills. The platform uses digital acquisition technology to record the operation methods of skilled masters and store them in the cloud. As long as young workers wear MR glasses as a digital twin system, they can follow the running track of "digital hands" in the virtual space and repeatedly learn the unique skills of the masters.

"The new quality productivity calls for workers with higher quality and skills. I would like to do my best to help more young workers grow into new craftsmen to meet the needs of the development of the times." Qi Songyu said.

(Editor in charge: Liu Qiong, Zhang Wen)