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Learning Times: relying on labor to create and comprehensively promote the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation

Xu Liuping

14:10, May 3, 2024 Source: Learning Times

On the occasion of the International Labor Day, General Secretary Xi Jinping, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Party, extended holiday congratulations and sincere condolences to the working people throughout the country, fully recognized the important contributions made by the working people to the development of the Party and the country, placed great expectations on them, and put forward work requirements for Party committees and governments at all levels. This important instruction fully reflects General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee's concern and consistent expectations for the working people as always. It is not only a holiday tribute to labor and workers, but also a mobilization order for all people to forge ahead in a new journey and make contributions in a new era. We should take the study and implementation of the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping as a powerful driving force, deeply study and implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of the working class and trade unions, vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsmanship, and organize and mobilize hundreds of millions of workers to actively participate in the hot practice of promoting Chinese style modernization with high-quality development, We will make unremitting efforts to comprehensively promote the building of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation.

Adhere to advocating labor and eulogizing labor, and gather the ideological consensus of the whole society to respect labor and workers

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "labor is the fundamental force to promote the progress of human society", "labor is the source of wealth and happiness", "labor is an important way for Communists to maintain their political nature, an important means for Communists to maintain their political health, and an important guarantee for Communists to carry forward their fine style and consciously resist the" four styles ", "Labor is the most glorious, the most noble, the greatest, and the most beautiful". These important expositions have profoundly expounded the status and role of labor, which is the inheritance and development of the Marxist labor concept and comes down in one continuous line with the excellent traditional Chinese culture, with great theoretical significance and era value.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, trade unions at all levels have persistently used Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era to unite workers, continued to carry out publicity and education on the theme of "Chinese Dream · Labor Beauty", gave full play to the role of trade unions as media, increased publicity of labor models, "great country craftsmen", "the most beautiful workers", etc., and carried out the activity of "model workers on campus", which has effectively created respect for labor Respect knowledge, respect talents and respect the social atmosphere created. Up to now, 110 "Most Beautiful Workers" have been publicized and released jointly with the Publicity Department of the Central Committee, 11 seasons of "Great Craftsmen" have been produced and released jointly with the Central Radio and Television Station, and 50 "Great Craftsmen of the Year" have been publicized through tree selection. Efforts were made to organize employees to make achievements, carry out theme labor and skill competitions such as "being a good master, making contributions to a new era", "making contributions to the 14th Five Year Plan", and forge ahead on a new journey ", promote the whole society to love and join in labor, and effectively demonstrate the great impetus of labor creation. In 2023, a total of 127 national leading labor and skill competitions will be carried out, more than 7.5 million rationalization suggestions will be put forward by the staff, more than 400000 technological innovation projects will be carried out, and more than 200000 inventions will be created.

Labor is the only way to success, and also the only way to realize the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation. In today's world, with the rapid rise of new technological revolution, the rapid development of social productivity, profound changes in labor patterns, and constantly enriched labor scenes, labor values have not changed and will not change. On the new journey, we should strengthen publicity, education and public opinion guidance, strengthen the ideological and political guidance of workers, vigorously publicize General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on the work of the working class and trade unions and his care for the working people, publicize the principles and policies of the Party and the government to encourage labor creation, publicize the "Chinese Dream · Labor Beauty", and publicize the advanced deeds typical of labor, Sing the theme of "glorious labor and great workers". Strengthen labor education, organize various forms of labor practice, guide young people to firmly establish the idea of loving labor, develop the habit of loving labor, and grow into high-quality workers who are diligent and good at labor. We will continue to radiate the enthusiasm and creative potential of the staff and workers, focus on new industrialization, new infrastructure, strategic emerging industries, digital economy and other directions around the country's major strategies, major projects, major projects and key industries, implement the innovation, creation and construction projects for the staff and workers to make contributions, extensively, deeply and persistently carry out labor and skills competitions, carry out technological innovation Mass innovation and creation activities such as technical cooperation, invention and creation, rationalization proposals, online training and small inventions, small innovations, small designs, small suggestions, etc. make glorious labor, lofty knowledge, precious talents, and great creation a strong voice of the times.

Carry forward the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsman spirit, and gather strong joint forces to develop new quality productivity and promote high-quality development

On November 24, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a profound exposition on the connotation of model worker spirit, labor spirit and craftsmanship spirit at the national commendation conference for model workers and advanced workers, It pointed out that "in the long-term practice, we have cultivated the labor model spirit of love for work, striving for first-class, hard struggle, innovation, indifference to fame and wealth, and willingness to contribute, the labor spirit of advocating labor, loving labor, hard work, and honest labor, and the craftsman spirit of dedication, excellence, meticulousness, and excellence". Since then, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly extended festive greetings to the working class and the working masses in different forms on the eve of the May Day holiday, eulogizing the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsmanship, putting forward clear requirements for carrying forward the "three spirits", and raising our party's understanding of the "three spirits" to a new level.

The spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsmanship is rooted in the fertile soil of Chinese culture, and is cast into the great practice of our party leading the people in their long-term struggle. It highlights the profound connotation of socialist core values, reflects the national spirit with patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core, and becomes an inspiration to the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country The strong spiritual power of brave progress has inspired generations of workers to form a strong joint force of thinking and working together in each historical period of revolution, construction, reform and the new era. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), trade unions at all levels have deepened the reform of the construction of industrial workers. Focusing on the implementation of key reform tasks such as ideological guidance, making contributions, improving quality, improving status, and expanding the ranks, they have worked hard to solve the outstanding problems of industrial workers in terms of salary, skill formation, promotion and use, and have cultivated a large number of craftsmen and highly skilled talents from large countries. Give prominence to the leading role of model workers and craftsmen, select model workers and advanced workers, strengthen staff skills training, build an offline and online craftsmanship college training system, create an innovation studio for model workers and craftsmen, carry out activities such as "model workers and craftsmen help enterprises", and effectively stimulate the enthusiasm of the broad masses of workers to join the industry and improve their skills. From 2013 to 2024, 5461 national model workers and advanced workers were commended, 13480 national May Day Labor Awards were awarded, and 10948 national pioneer workers were awarded; At present, there are 105000 innovation studios at all levels and more than 600 craftsman colleges in China, and two sessions of innovation exchange conferences and forums for great artisans have been held.

The strength and prosperity of a nation cannot be separated from the support of spirit; The progress of a society is always guided by the power of example. The Party and the State have always adhered to the fundamental principle of relying wholeheartedly on the working class, always attached great importance to the important position of the working class and the broad masses of working people in the development of the Party and the country's cause, and always attached great importance to playing the important role of model workers and advanced workers. On the new journey, we should continue to deepen the reform of the construction of industrial workers, give play to the role of enterprises as the main body, improve the skills formation system of industrial workers, expand the career development channels of industrial workers, cultivate a large contingent of knowledge-based, skilled and innovative industrial workers that match the needs of developing new quality productivity, and encourage more workers, especially young people, to become talents through skills Skills serve the country. Vigorously implement the typical benchmark tree selection and cultivation, demonstration and promotion construction project, increase the training and selection of model workers and craftsmen, and influence and drive more workers to respect, advocate, learn and strive for model workers. We will strengthen the management and service of model workers and craftsmen, further deepen the creation of innovation studios for model workers and craftsmen, strengthen the selection, display, exchange and promotion of innovation achievements, and create a platform and conditions for model workers and craftsmen to play a role, inherit skills. Model workers and craftsmen should make persistent efforts to strive for the first class, spread the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsman spirit to the whole society, and guide and encourage all people to make new contributions and achieve better results with their excellent character and exemplary actions.

We are committed to benefiting workers and promoting more and more equitable benefits of the achievements of Chinese style modernization to hundreds of millions of workers

On October 23, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in a collective conversation with members of the new leadership of the All China Federation of Trade Unions that "the working class and the working people are the main creators of social wealth. To promote the common prosperity of all people, more significant substantive progress should be made, first of all, in the hundreds of millions of workers". In this year's "May Day" important directive, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again stressed that Party committees and governments at all levels should "care for the working people, earnestly realize, safeguard and develop the legitimate rights and interests of workers, and encourage the working people to achieve their dreams in hard work, honest work and creative work". This not only reflects the ruling concept of our party, but also represents a solemn commitment to the vast number of workers.

China is a large developing country and a large labor force. Expanding employment, increasing income, and constantly meeting the people's aspirations for a better life are important tasks for the current and future periods. In particular, with the transformation of industrial form, emerging industries and new occupations have emerged in large numbers, and the rights and interests of workers, migrant workers and other groups in the new employment form must be highly concerned. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, trade unions at all levels have conscientiously performed their basic duties of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers and serving the masses of workers wholeheartedly. They are anxious for the needs of workers, think about the needs of workers, and worry about the needs of workers. They have worked hard to remove obstacles that hinder workers from participating in development and sharing development achievements, so that workers can achieve decent work and all-round development. We will actively promote stable employment and ensure employment, continue to carry out employment assistance activities, cooperate with the government to do a good job in eradicating wage arrears, and promote local governments to adjust the minimum wage standard in a timely and scientific manner. Carry out activities such as sending warmth in winter, cooling in summer, helping students in golden autumn, sunshine employment, mutual medical assistance for workers, public welfare for workers, safe return of migrant workers, caring for migrant workers' children, etc., and build a multiple guarantee line for helping workers in need. We will strengthen the construction of service fronts such as workers' cultural palace and workers' nursing homes, strengthen and standardize the construction of outdoor labor service stations for trade unions, and further promote the "Double 15 Project of Trade Union Service Stations". At present, 184200 trade union post stations have been built nationwide, covering 147 million workers. Maximize the organization of workers in new forms of employment and other groups into trade unions, and realize the establishment of trade unions in all enterprise headquarters of the head platform. In 2023, there will be 3.8 million workers in new forms of employment.

"Glory belongs to workers, and happiness belongs to workers." Adhering to social fairness and justice, and allowing workers to share the fruits of reform and development, is both a proper meaning and an important guarantee for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese style modernization. On the new journey, we should adhere to the work orientation of taking employees as the center, place stable employment in a prominent position, pay close attention to the impact of industrial transformation and upgrading on employees' employment and other rights and interests, create a high-quality service project of "trade union help employment", and promote the realization of more full and high-quality employment. We will effectively strengthen the construction of rights protection systems and mechanisms, highlight key links such as labor contracts and collective contracts, highlight key groups such as workers in new forms of employment, migrant workers, and women workers, promote the improvement of wage determination mechanisms and normal growth mechanisms, and improve social security levels such as basic old-age care, basic medical care, work-related injuries, unemployment, and maternity for workers, Safeguard the rights and interests of employees' life and health. We will promote the implementation of democratic management systems in enterprises and public institutions in the basic form of workers' congresses, and ensure workers' democratic political rights. We will deepen the implementation of the trade union's digital and intelligent construction project, give the work of the trade union the wings of "digital and intelligent", achieve "one click membership", "one network for all" and "one terminal for all services" for the masses of workers, and strive to serve hundreds of millions of workers efficiently at all times, everywhere and in every way. Smooth the channels for employees' appeals, improve the system and mechanism of contacting with the masses of employees, give full play to the role of 12351 trade union as a hotline for employees, strengthen the publicity and legal supervision of labor rule of law, carry out legal consultation and legal services, and promote the construction of harmonious labor relations. Trade union cadres should go deeper into the grassroots, enterprises and front-line, truly understand what employees want and want, take a clear-cut stand to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and truly realize that the trade union is the "home of employees" and trade union cadres are the most reliable "mother family".

(Editor in charge: Liu Qiong, Zhang Wen)