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Tribute to workers

Wanfu Spring Festival - the calligraphy public welfare activity of "Send Wanfu to Wanjia" will be launched in Beijing in 2024

Hao He

08:22, January 17, 2024 Source: Workers' Daily

In order to vigorously carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the staff and workers, and create a happy, auspicious, warm and smooth festival atmosphere, on January 16, under the guidance of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, sponsored by the Publicity and Education Department of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, the Chinese Calligrapher's Association, the Chinese Workers' Cultural and Sports Association, the Chinese Workers' Calligrapher's Association In 2024, the calligraphy public welfare activity of "Send Wanfu and Enter Wanjia" organized by Beijing Byte Beating Public Welfare Foundation held its first demonstration activity at the Chinese Workers' Home - the special session of "Paying tribute to workers".

At the event site, the leaders present presented the word "Fu" to 18 invited representatives of model workers, large country craftsmen and new employment workers. Calligraphers splashed ink to write Spring Festival couplets and the word "Fu" for the representatives of model workers and front-line workers, expressed respect and respect with calligraphy, and conveyed warmth and blessings with ink. At the same time, some calligraphers also went to the labor union post station of China Workers Home and the 12351 labor union service hotline to present Spring Festival couplets and the word "Fu" to couriers, takeaways and operators.

In 2024, calligraphy public welfare activities will be carried out in the way of "four place launch, Beijing demonstration, national linkage" and online and offline combination. The activities will be launched in Beijing, Nanjing, Zhengzhou and Xi'an, and 6 to 8 demonstration activities will be held in Beijing. At the same time, calligraphers and calligraphy enthusiasts will be organized to go deep into enterprise workshops, construction sites, parks, street communities and other places to write Spring Festival couplets for the masses of workers, especially industrial workers, new employment workers and migrant workers. On line activities, such as Spring Festival couplets collection, online performance of blessing giving activities, short video production and other activities were carried out by the Central Radio and Television General Station, the Digital Culture and Art Museum of China Central Radio and Television, and the topic of "sending ten thousand blessings to ten thousand families" was set up on the official voice shaking number of the sponsor, which was widely publicized through the national trade union financial media platform.

The calligraphy public welfare activity of "Send Ten Thousand Blessings and Enter Ten Thousand Families" has been held for 10 consecutive years, and has become a popular staff culture brand. It not only conveys the charm of excellent traditional culture in ink, but also sends the staff and workers good wishes for the New Year. The activities always adhere to the principles of public welfare and universality, and have carried out nearly 120 demonstration activities in Beijing. Thousands of activities are held every year throughout the country, benefiting more than 10 million people.

(Editor in charge: Liu Qiong, Huang Jin)