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Learning Times: Creating a New Situation in the Work Movement and Trade Union Work in the New Era

Xu Liuping, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, Vice Chairman and First Secretary of the Secretariat of the All China Federation of Trade Unions

15:15, August 7, 2023

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the report to the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China that "China is a socialist country under the people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants, and all the power of the state belongs to the people", emphasizing that "we should rely wholeheartedly on the working class, improve the democratic management system of enterprises and public institutions in the basic form of workers' congresses, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers". This important exposition has great and far-reaching theoretical significance and practical value, which provides a fundamental basis for the implementation of the Party's policy of wholeheartedly relying on the working class, and points out the direction for the innovative development of the Party's labor movement cause in the new era. At present, the whole Party is carrying out in-depth study and implementation of the theme education of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. As the bridge and link between the Party and the masses of workers, the trade union must make in-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the work of the working class and trade unions as an important part of the theme education, and strive to build soul, increase wisdom, and improve the style of work by learning We have achieved tangible results in promoting learning and doing, and mobilized hundreds of millions of workers to make contributions to the building of a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Scientific guidance

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese Communists, with Comrade Xi Jinping as the main representative, have adhered to the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture, scientifically answered the questions of China, the world, the people, and the times, and created Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Standing at the height of the overall development of the cause of the Party and the country, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made many important speeches and instructions around the work of the working class and trade unions, profoundly expounded the status, role, objectives, tasks, and practical requirements of the work of the working class and trade unions, and scientifically answered a series of major directional, fundamental, and strategic questions about the work of the working class and trade unions, It has formed an important exposition of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of the working class and trade unions.

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on the work of the working class and trade unions is an important part of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, which mainly includes eight aspects: first, adhere to the leadership of the Party over trade union work, emphasize that trade unions must resolutely uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership, and always adhere to the political position, political direction, political principles On the political road, we have maintained a high degree of consistency with the CPC Central Committee. Second, we must rely wholeheartedly on the working class, and emphasize that relying wholeheartedly on the working class should be carried out throughout the process of the Party and the state's policy formulation, work promotion, and all aspects of enterprise production and operation. The third is to adhere to the theme of the times of striving for the realization of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and emphasize that trade unions should firmly grasp this theme, take promoting scientific development and achieving progress while maintaining stability as the main battlefield to play their role, and take doing well the work of the workers and the masses, mobilizing the enthusiasm and creativity of the workers and the masses under the new situation as the central task, We should take it as our political responsibility to consolidate the class and mass basis of the Party's governance. Fourth, adhere to the development path of socialist trade unions with Chinese characteristics, emphasize the need to maintain strategic focus, enhance the sense of responsibility and mission to adhere to and expand this path, and strive to make this path more and more broad. Fifthly, we should adhere to carrying forward the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsman spirit, and emphasize that the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsman spirit is a vivid embodiment of the national spirit with patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core, and is a powerful spiritual power to encourage the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups to march forward bravely through trials and hardships. Sixth, we should hold high the banner of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers, emphasize that trade unions should earnestly perform their basic responsibilities of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers and serving the masses of workers wholeheartedly, and firmly hold the banner of serving workers and safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests in our hands. The seventh is to adhere to the reform direction of trade unions to enhance their political nature, advancement and popularity. Political nature is the soul of trade union organizations, advancement is an important focus of trade union work, and popularity is the fundamental feature of trade union organizations. Emphasizing the strengthening and improvement of trade union work in the new situation, the most important thing is to maintain and enhance political nature, advancement and popularity. Eighth, we should adhere to strengthening the construction of grassroots trade unions, emphasize that we must focus on the grassroots, and put our strength and resources into the grassroots, so that the workers and staff can truly feel that the trade union is the home of workers.

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the work of the working class and trade unions, with a lofty position, profound thinking, rich connotation, and complete system, has a strong political, ideological, strategic, and guiding nature, which raises our Party's understanding of the regularity of the labor movement cause and trade union work to a new height and provides scientific guidance for us to do a good job of the work of the working class and trade unions. In recent years, trade unions at all levels have played an important role in serving the overall situation of the Party and the country by assuming their responsibilities and actively performing their duties. On the new journey, trade unions at all levels should adhere to the integration of in-depth study of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on the work of the working class and trade unions with the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and the study and implementation of the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, so as to achieve the integration of learning, thinking, knowledge, trust and practice, and to reflect the learning results into a deep understanding of the "two establishment" It is of decisive significance to strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence", achieve the "Two Safeguards", and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in ideology, politics, and action.

Powerful power

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has always attached great importance to the work of the working class and trade unions, held cordial discussions with model workers and representatives of workers, attended the national conference of commendation of model workers and advanced workers and delivered an important speech, wrote back to the students of the undergraduate class of model workers of China Institute of Labor Relations, and wrote back to all employees of Zhengzhou Yuanfang Group, I sent a congratulatory letter to the first big country craftsman innovation exchange conference. Every place I visited, I went to the grass-roots level to visit the model workers and comfort the workers. Every May Day, I congratulated the working people in different forms. General Secretary Xi Jinping's concern for the work of the working class and trade unions fully reflects General Secretary Xi Jinping's development thought of adhering to the supremacy of the people and taking the people as the center, and demonstrates our party's ruling philosophy of relying wholeheartedly on the working class policy and giving play to the main force of the working class. When embarking on a new journey, the working people must bear in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, turn their care and love into a powerful driving force to forge ahead on a new journey and make contributions to a new era, actively participate in the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, and give full play to the role of the working class as the main force in promoting Chinese style modernization.

Be a firm person of ideals and beliefs. We will unswervingly use Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to forge a soul, unswervingly listen to the Party's words, and unswervingly follow the Party. We should carry forward the fine tradition of the working class to understand the general situation and consider the overall situation, correctly handle the relationship between individual and collective, current and long-term, partial and overall interests, and integrate individual ideals and family happiness into the historical cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, creating new glory on the new journey. Conscientiously practice the core socialist values, actively participate in mass activities to build spiritual civilization and the construction of "four virtues" focusing on professional ethics, drive the whole society to strive together and gather strong positive energy.

Be a promoter of model worker spirit, labor spirit and craftsman spirit. Take model workers and craftsmen of great countries as examples, learn to catch up with the advanced, learn from the best, use the excellent character and advanced deeds of model workers and craftsmen of great countries to motivate themselves, internalize hard work, honest work, and creative work into conscious action, and create a better life with labor. Give full play to the advantages and expertise of model workers and large country craftsmen in spirit promotion, skill inheritance, innovation and talent training, and drive the whole society with the influence of model workers' exemplary behavior of practicing the spirit of model workers, labor spirit, and craftsman spirit, so that hard work, diligence, and hard work become a common practice.

Be a practitioner of unity and struggle. Adhere to the nature of the working class that is not afraid of hardship and tiredness, base on their own duties, love their jobs, work honestly and diligently, sweat their dreams, use time to hone their skills, turn promising undertakings into promising achievements, and write the song of workers in the new era. Establish the sense of ownership, radiate the enthusiasm of ownership, carry forward the spirit of ownership, bear the historical mission with the mind of "the largest country", and always be a solid force for the Party to govern. Accurately grasp and understand the current situation and tasks facing China's economic and social development, firm confidence, tenacious struggle, with stronger enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, and promote high-quality development to achieve new results.

Be the promoter of innovation and creation. Establish the concept of lifelong learning, pay close attention to the industry and industrial frontier knowledge and technological progress, pay close attention to the actual needs of production, study hard and study deeply in production practice, constantly improve the scientific and cultural quality and technical skills, and strive to become knowledge-based, skilled and innovative workers. Focusing on the outstanding problems existing in the enterprise's innovative application, focusing on the front line of production and based on their own positions, we are determined to innovate and dare to be the first to master key core technologies, help break through the "choke" technology, and contribute wisdom and strength to achieve self-reliance and self-improvement of high-level science and technology.

Guidelines for Action

The 20th CPC National Congress has drawn a grand blueprint for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese style modernization. Trade unions at all levels should always take General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on the work of the working class and trade unions as the fundamental follow and action guide for doing a good job of the work of the working class and trade unions, strengthen learning and understanding, and do a good job in implementing it, so as to run it through all aspects of the whole process of trade union work, and constantly create a new situation for the party's labor movement cause and trade union work.

Effectively fulfill the political responsibilities of trade unions. Use the language and form that employees can understand and understand to promote Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into grass-roots units, communities and enterprises, constantly enhance the political, ideological, theoretical and emotional identity of the staff and the masses on the innovative theory of the Party, and build a common ideological foundation for unity and struggle. Deeply carry out education on socialist core values, and extensively carry out publicity and education on the theme of "China Dream · Labor Beauty", so as to unify the thoughts of the vast number of workers and inspire them, and gather the great power of hundreds of millions of workers to forge ahead on a new journey. Give full play to the propaganda role of trade unions at all levels, and guide workers to unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core.

Actively organize and mobilize employees to make contributions to the new journey. Focusing on the primary task of high-quality development, focusing on national major strategies, major projects, major projects, and key industries, we will extensively, deeply, and persistently carry out labor and skill competitions, deeply carry out mass technological innovation activities such as "five small", and organize and mobilize workers to base themselves on front-line positions and solve front-line problems. Vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsman spirit, deepen the construction of model workers and craftsman talent innovation studio, care for model workers and artisans, increase the publicity of model workers and artisans, and further create a thick atmosphere of labor glory, valuable skills and greatness in the whole society. Deepen the reform of the construction of industrial workers, speed up the construction of the skills formation system of industrial workers, further improve the training, use, evaluation and incentive mechanism of skilled personnel, and strive to build a grand industrial workers team with ideals and beliefs, who understand technology and are innovative, and who are bold in taking responsibility and dedication, To provide solid talent and skill support for accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system supported by the real economy.

Strive to improve the effectiveness of trade union rights protection services. We will pay close attention to key groups such as workers in new forms of employment, migrant workers, and urban workers in need, and promote the implementation of policies and measures to protect the rights and interests of workers. We will improve the democratic management system of enterprises and public institutions in the basic form of workers' congresses, and ensure the right of employees to know, participate, express, and supervise. We will strengthen consultation and coordination on labor relations, carry out in-depth activities to create harmonious labor relations in the new era, and resolve labor relations conflicts and hidden dangers at the grass-roots level. Accelerate the construction of a trade union service staff system focusing on targeted assistance and inclusive services, consolidate and expand the achievements of urban workers in difficulty, and make brands such as providing warmth, golden autumn student aid, sunshine employment, mutual medical assistance for employees, and trade union legal aid better and stronger, promote the trade union's "Internet+" inclusive services, and realize the organic integration and collaborative interaction of online and offline.

We will continue to deepen the reform and development of trade unions. Focusing on maintaining and strengthening the political nature, advancement and popularity, we should take the modernization of trade union governance system and governance ability as the traction, strengthen the standardization, institutionalization and legalization of trade unions, and promote the solution of prominent problems that restrict the innovative development of trade union work. Strengthen the construction of smart trade unions, make up our minds, change our ideas, strengthen learning and dare to transform, make full use of the latest digital and intelligent tools and means, and comprehensively improve the digital level of trade union work. Strengthen the coverage of trade union organizations and work, further incline the strength and resources to the grassroots, adhere to simplicity and inclusiveness, serve the general public, and make the grassroots trade unions truly established, transformed, live and strong. We should vigorously promote the wind of investigation and research, enhance the awareness of problems, adhere to the problem orientation, go deep into the frontline at the grass-roots level, understand the situation, study and analyze problems, propose ideas and methods, and earnestly seek practical strategies, come up with practical measures, and see the actual results.

Source: Learning Times

(Editor in charge: Wang Qing, Huang Jin)