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"Collision" out of the industry minimum wage standard

Ma Xueli

08:53, September 8, 2022 Source: Workers' Daily

One morning recently, in the third conference room of Wuzhong National Agricultural Science and Technology Park in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the collective negotiation on wages of milk industry and breeding industry in Wuzhong City was under way. Five enterprise representatives and five staff representatives from Sunjiatan and Wulipo Dairy Farm in Litong District, Wuzhong City "collided" with the industry minimum wage standard. The differences between the representatives of the two sides were difficult to eliminate at the moment, and the whole audience fell into silence.

Wuzhong City is known as the "golden zone" of dairy farming. In recent years, the city has more than 130 large-scale pastures, nearly 300000 cows on hand, and more than 10000 employees. Uneven wage levels, unstable workforce, and job hopping have occurred from time to time, seriously affecting the development of the dairy industry. In April this year, the Wuzhong Dairy Industry Trade Union Federation was established and decided to "cure" this stubborn disease by starting with collective wage negotiation.

"Compared with other industries, the labor intensity of employees in dairy farming enterprises is higher, and the wage level should reach more than twice the minimum wage standard of Wuzhong City, which is a reasonable requirement." Mao Yuwen, the chief representative of the staff side, broke the silence.

"Since 2021, the price of forage has soared, the transportation cost has increased, but the purchase price of milk has remained at the original level, and the enterprise will not be able to afford another wage increase." Song Xiaochun, the representative of the enterprise, retorted in response.

Both sides held their own opinions, and the scene fell silent again. At this time, Zheng Jianping, vice chairman of the Wuzhong Dairy Industry Trade Union Federation, stood up and said, "How can an enterprise be good without a unified minimum wage standard and the employees' hearts and minds are moving? Without solving this problem, the development of the enterprise cannot go on the track of a virtuous circle."

After hearing Zheng Jianping's speech, the representatives of the enterprise side were deep in thought. After a while, the representative of the enterprise side proposed that the post salary could be increased moderately, but the differences between posts should be fully considered.

Nearly an hour later, the minimum wage standard for each post was finally preliminarily determined. The salary of production auxiliary personnel is set between 3500 yuan and 4500 yuan, and the other 21 posts are adjusted accordingly.

After the meeting, Wang Jing, the representative of the staff side, said, "This negotiation will raise the wages of employees to more than twice the regional minimum wage. We should cherish the results of the negotiation, work hard and make contributions."

(Editor in charge: Pi Bo, Huang Jin)