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Press Conference of the Seventh National Workers' Vocational Skills Competition

16:22, September 30, 2021

Conference site

In the afternoon of September 29, the Press Center of the All China Federation of Trade Unions held a press conference on the 7th National Workers' Vocational Skills Competition to introduce the competition and answer questions from journalists.

Guests present: Wan Zhenli, spokesman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, deputy minister of the Ministry of Publicity and Education, and first-class inspector; Wang Xiaofeng, Head of the Labor and Economic Work Department of the All China Federation of Trade Unions; Jin Fuji, Deputy Director of the Technical Committee of the Organizing Committee of the Seventh National Workers' Vocational Skills Competition and Chief Judge of the Competition; Zhao Yu, winner of the 6th National Professional Skills Competition for Employees CNC Machining Center, and the 699 Plant of the Second Academy of Aerospace Science and Industry of China

Time: 2021-09-29


Wan Zhenli, spokesman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, vice minister of the Ministry of Publicity and Education and first level inspector, presided over the conference

Wan Zhenli: Good afternoon, friends from the press!

Welcome to today's press conference. In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the 2020 National Conference of Commendation of Model Workers and Advanced Workers, implement the Reform Plan for the Construction of Industrial Workers in the New Era, and give full play to the positive role of vocational skills competition in building the skill formation system of industrial workers and innovating the development system of industrial workers, To accelerate the construction of a large contingent of knowledge-based, skilled and innovative industrial workers, the All China Federation of Trade Unions will jointly hold the 7th National Workers' Vocational Skills Competition with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security and the People's Government of Sichuan Province. The finals will be held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province from October 14 to 16. In order to let the media better understand and publicize the competition and vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsmanship in the whole society, today we hold the press conference of the "Seventh National Workers' Vocational Skills Competition".

Present at today's press conference are Comrade Wang Xiaofeng, Minister of the Labor and Economic Work Department of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Comrade Jin Fuji, Deputy Director of the Technical Committee of the Organizing Committee of the Seventh National Workers' Vocational Skills Competition and Chief Judge of the Competition, Comrade Zhao Yu, the winner of the numerical control processing center of the Sixth National Workers' Vocational Skills Competition, and Comrade 699 Plant of the Second Academy of Aerospace Science and Industry of China. Welcome to your visit.

Now let's invite Comrade Wang Xiaofeng to introduce the relevant information of the Seventh National Workers' Vocational Skills Competition.

Wang Xiaofeng, Head of the Labor and Economic Work Department of the All China Federation of Trade Unions

Wang Xiaofeng: Dear journalists, good afternoon!

hello everyone! Now I would like to make a brief introduction to the 7th National Workers' Vocational Skills Competition:

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, earnestly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the National Conference of Commendation of Model Workers and Advanced Workers in 2020, and implement the Reform Plan for the Construction of Industrial Workers in the New Era, Give full play to the positive role of vocational skills competition in building the skill formation system of industrial workers and innovating the development system of industrial workers, vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsmanship, guide industrial workers to study technology diligently, develop excellent skills, and accelerate the construction of a large contingent of knowledge-based, skilled and innovative industrial workers, This year, the All China Federation of Trade Unions, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security and the People's Government of Sichuan Province jointly held the Seventh National Workers' Vocational Skills Competition to provide strong talent support for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

With the theme of "carrying forward the spirit of craftsman and promoting high-quality development", the competition set up six types of work, including fitters, welders, CNC machine tool assembly, commissioning and maintenance workers, industrial robot operation and adjustment workers, network and information security administrators, and masonry workers.

The competition was organized by the China Workers' Technical Association, Sichuan Federation of Trade Unions and Chengdu Municipal Government. The competition organizing committee and its working organization are composed of the co organizer and the organizer, and are responsible for the organization and coordination of the competition. The competition organizing committee consists of an office, a technical committee and a supervision committee. The office is located in the Labor and Economic Work Department of the All China Federation of Trade Unions.

The competition is divided into two stages: preliminary (trial) and final. Since its launch in June this year, all regions have attached great importance to it, responded quickly, and recommended excellent players to participate in the finals through the selection of the preliminaries at all levels. The final will be held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province from October 14 to 16, when 32 teams and about 540 players from all provinces (districts, cities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps will gather to compete in the final.

The competition has individual award, group award and excellent organization award: certain material rewards will be given to the players who win the top 20 in the finals of various types of work after approval. The top 5 players in the finals of each type of work will be awarded the title of "National Technical Expert" after being approved by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security in accordance with the relevant provisions of Class I Vocational Skills Competition. The top 20 players in the finals of each type of work can be promoted to professional qualification or vocational skill level according to the regulations of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. For the contestants who have won the top three and meet the conditions for recommendation, the federation of trade unions of the province (district, city) where the contestants are located shall apply for the "National May Day Labor Medal" according to the procedure when they are collectively commended on the eve of the next May Day. Other co organizers give priority to the winners of the final of this competition when selecting and commending the honor of advanced model. The top three teams in terms of the total scores of individual events and groups will be awarded medals (cups) in this competition; The 4th to 10th teams will be awarded medals. Honorary certificates will be issued to the units and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the organization, undertaking and co organizing of this competition.

The National Workers' Vocational Skills Competition is an important traditional brand work of the All China Federation of Trade Unions. Since 2003, the All China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) has jointly held the contest every three years, which has been the seventh ever. All previous contests have received the positive response of the staff and strong support from all provinces (districts, cities). The first six contests have attracted more than 65 million staff to participate in all levels of competition and training activities. The competition also led to the extensive development of various skill competitions at all levels. According to statistics, during the "13th Five Year Plan" period, 114 million employees participated in skill competitions held by trade unions at all levels, and 4.056 million employees were promoted to technical levels through skill competitions. Through skill competitions held at all levels, a broad stage has been set up for employees to learn technology, practice skills and become competent, which effectively mobilized the enthusiasm of employees to participate. A large number of outstanding technical workers have come to the fore, fully demonstrating the era style of the working class, greatly stimulating the labor enthusiasm and creative potential of employees, and comprehensively improving the quality of industrial workers, It has played an important role in creating a large industrial worker team with ideals and beliefs, understanding technology and innovation, and daring to take on responsibilities and make contributions.

Compared with the past, this competition mainly presents the following characteristics:

First, we celebrate the centenary of the Communist Party of China. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the conference to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The majority of workers are rapidly learning and implementing the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on July 1. They should take the speech spirit as guidance, further improve their quality through competitions, and give full play to the role of the working class as the main force in the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.

Second, it is an important measure for trade union organizations at all levels to study and implement the spirit of important speeches made by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the 2020 National Conference of Commending Model Workers and Advanced Workers. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the need to "extensively, deeply and persistently carry out labor and skills competitions". Carrying out this competition is not only a good test of the actual effect of the labor and skill competition organized by trade unions at all levels to mobilize workers in the past three years, but also a powerful mobilization to carry out the labor and skill competition extensively, deeply and persistently on the new journey.

Third, a contest was held in response to the challenge of COVID-19 epidemic. The current epidemic situation has brought severe challenges to the work of the competition, and also put forward higher requirements. During the preliminaries (trials) of the competition, all regions insisted on the prevention and control of the epidemic and the preparation of the competition, strictly implemented the requirements for epidemic prevention and control, and actively made emergency plans to ensure the safety and smooth development of the competition. Relevant departments of Sichuan Province and Chengdu City carefully prepared for the successful holding of the finals of the competition. At the same time, pay attention to giving play to the advantages of the Internet, and use online learning and training platforms such as "skill power - national industrial workers' learning community" to provide new ways for the majority of front-line workers to participate in skill competitions and improve their skills. As of September 28, the total number of visitors to the platform reached 656000.

Fourth, the finals of all types of work will be held in one place for the first time. The purpose of this move is to create an atmosphere, expand influence, build momentum, give play to the demonstration effect of the national contest, build a platform for the majority of skilled workers to gather and display their superb skills, and learn from each other on the same stage, vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit, craftsmanship, and create a glorious labor, valuable skills, and great fashion of the times in the whole society.

The fifth is the national first class vocational skills contest with the largest number of sponsoring departments, the largest number of competition types, the widest coverage of industries, and the largest number of participants. In terms of the setting of types of work, select the general types of work with a large number of employees and a wide range of industries in the National Occupational Classification Code, covering advanced manufacturing, modern service industry, strategic emerging industries and other fields; At the same time, it also takes into account the demands of migrant workers.

Dear media friends, the above is the introduction of the 7th National Workers' Vocational Skills Competition.

Thank you!

Wan Zhenli: Just now, Minister Wang introduced the situation of the National Workers' Vocational Skills Competition. The information is very rich. Now let's invite the reporter to ask questions.

Reporter of China Workers Magazine: Just mentioned that this competition involves 6 types of work. What are the considerations for setting up these 6 types of work? In addition, compared with other tall types of work, masonry workers in these six types of work seem to be just building houses and building walls, not very professional. Why is it that masonry workers are also used as a competition type alone?

Jin Fuji, Deputy Director of the Technical Committee of the Organizing Committee of the Seventh National Workers' Vocational Skills Competition and Chief Judge of the Competition, answers questions from reporters

Jin Fuji: Thank you for your question. Our overall consideration in the setting of work types is to closely follow the upgrading of industrial structure and the national industrial development strategy, the content of the competition is close to the actual situation of the enterprise and the workforce, and it is directly "in line" with the industrial standards and the level of technological development of the enterprise. Therefore, on the basis of retaining the previous five types of work, namely fitters, welders, CNC machine tool assembly and maintenance workers, network and information security administrators, and masonry workers, this competition added new industrial robot operation and adjustment workers, aiming to better meet the needs of intelligent manufacturing technology development and reflect the future development direction. Industrial robots are an important part of intelligent manufacturing equipment, and application technology, especially operation technology, is currently in short supply of technical work. The main purpose of the competition is to make up for shortcomings and respond to needs. Fitters are the most employed type of work in domestic enterprises, with a wide range of technology applications. The purpose of setting fitters is to promote the training of senior fitters. Welders are one of the most employed types of work in the enterprise. After decades of development, China has become a powerful welding country. In order to meet the needs of national construction and development, welding capacity and level still need to be vigorously developed. The installation, adjustment and maintenance of CNC machine tools is a professional type of work with high comprehensive technical requirements, and is a high-end skilled talent in the enterprise. In the third national workers' vocational skills competition in 2009, the installation, adjustment and maintenance of CNC machine tools was set up for the first time, which played an important role in the training of highly skilled talents and the technological progress of enterprises. The network and information security administrator is the second time to hold it. On the basis of drawing lessons from the conventional network security competition, it closely follows the theme of the current digital new infrastructure and digital transformation era, covering the industrial Internet, the Internet of Things, information and innovation and other technical fields, reflecting the technological advancement. Masonry mainly reflects the needs of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization in China. It is a type of work set up for migrant workers based on the World Skills Competition. With the acceleration of urbanization, a large number of migrant workers go out of their homes to work in cities and towns. Many people choose this occupation after they arrive in cities. Selecting excellent skilled talents in the masonry field through the competition will help migrant workers increase their sense of professional belonging.

Here, we sincerely invite all media friends to go to the competition site to observe and feel how excellent our industrial workers in traditional and emerging industries are.

thank you.

Legal Daily: I want to ask Zhao Yu, can you recall your previous competition experience? How did you win the championship through training and selection? What changes have taken place in your work and life after the award?

Zhao Yu, the winner of the 6th National Workers' Vocational Skills Competition CNC Machining Center and the 699 Plant of the Second Academy of Aerospace Science and Industry of China, answers questions from reporters

Zhao Yu: Thank you for your question. I'm honored to share my experience with you as the winner of the contest. I graduated from the CNC technology major of Beihang Institute of Aerospace Industry in 2011. I had an indissoluble bond with CNC machining at the beginning. After I joined the job, an accidental opportunity made me come into contact with the skills competition. Its charm deeply attracted me. Relying on my indomitable spirit, I worked hard in training, gradually emerged in the competitions organized by the company and the group, and gradually accumulated the strength to impact the national competition. In 2018, it passed the preliminary and second round of the competition in Beijing. Among thousands of competitors, it also passed the test and won the opportunity to enter the national championship. But this is only the beginning. The high-level national competition is the real touchstone. In September, the national experts gathered in Baoji. They were all elites. I finally won the championship by virtue of my excellent skills and experience in many competitions, which brought a complete end to my competition career.

After winning the prize, my work life has changed a lot. I have been awarded a series of honorary titles such as the "National Technical Expert" medal, the "National May Day Labor Medal" and so on. In 2019, I also came to Germany to exchange as a highly skilled leader, which has increased my knowledge and broadened my horizons. These are the changes brought to me by skill competitions.

Look, this is the gold medal that I won the sixth national championship. It is very beautiful and heavy. It always inspires me and makes me progress. Recently, everyone has been paying attention to the National Games. In my opinion, the National Skills Competition organized by us is just like the National Games of our industrial workers. I feel very proud to win such a golden award.

thank you!

Reporter from CCTV: Now many young skilled workers feel that they are not willing to be skilled workers. They feel that they have no future and are very boring. What do you think of this problem?

Zhao Yu: Thank you for your question. I think as long as you love your work, you will always find pleasure in it. Take the numerical control processing I am engaged in as an example. It involves materials, mechanics, programming, drawing, technology, equipment application and many other aspects of knowledge. People who are not professional disciplines are difficult to get started. Therefore, it takes a long process, hard work, and patience and perseverance to develop superb skills. But then again, every time I turn a black iron pimple into a shiny part, just like looking at a handicraft, I feel full of achievement. I don't agree with "skilled workers have no future". Skilled workers are a very important group in our country, and they are the power source of the industrial revolution and social development. At present, the country has been carrying forward the spirit of labor, model labor and craftsmanship, calling on the whole society to respect labor, knowledge, talent and creativity. The All China Federation of Trade Unions is also vigorously promoting the reform of industrial workers, and striving to improve the political, economic and social status of skilled workers. It can be seen that the country is paying more and more attention to industrial workers. From our own point of view, forging iron also needs our own hard work. While doing our job well, we will have the opportunity to stand out in such a high-level national competition and improve our own value. I think the technical work has a bright future, and the development prospect is very good.

Finally, I also hope that more staff friends and more young people will participate in the national competition. Let's meet friends and improve together.

Wang Xiaofeng: Let me add a few words. Generally speaking, this phenomenon exists in society, which is a combination of many factors. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has attached great importance to the working class, vigorously promoted the reform of the construction of the industrial workforce, and introduced a series of policies and measures to strengthen the training of skilled personnel and improve the treatment of skilled workers. We believe that through the joint efforts of the whole society, this phenomenon will be changed as soon as possible, and "glorious labor, precious skills, and great creation" will also become a common practice.

thank you!

Worker's Daily: Will the skill competition expand the types of work in the future to attract more people to participate in the competition? In addition, now everyone is very concerned about the platform economy and the groups of new employment forms of labor. Will there be related projects in the competition in the future?

Wang Xiaofeng: Thank you for your question. In July this year, the All China Federation of Trade Unions issued the Opinions on Practically Safeguarding the Labor Security Rights and Interests of Workers in New Forms of Employment, which proposed to "carry out vocational education and training, post skills training, vocational skills competitions and other activities in accordance with the occupational characteristics and needs of workers in new forms of employment, and promote the overall improvement of the professional quality of workers in new forms of employment." Trade unions at all levels pay close attention to the improvement of skills of workers in the platform economy and new forms of employment, and actively explore and promote the inclusion of new occupations and new types of work in skills competitions. For example, Chaohu City, Anhui Province organized a taxi driver skills contest, and the Federation of Trade Unions of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region incorporated the professional skills contest for couriers and express mail handlers into the overall plan of the region's labor and skills contest during the 14th Five Year Plan period.

Next, we will actively promote the inclusion of the relevant types of work of new employment workers into the national workers' vocational skills competition according to the changes in the structure of the workforce and employment forms, attract more workers to participate in the competition, give full play to the demonstration and leading role of the competition, guide and promote the organizations of industry associations at all levels to pay attention to new situations such as platform enterprises and new employment groups, Broadly, deeply and persistently carry out vocational skill competitions, and constantly expand the coverage of skill competitions.

thank you.

Reporter of the CPPCC News: This competition has been held for the seventh time. How has the previous achievements been transformed, and how are the winners now developing? thank you!

Wang Xiaofeng: Thank you for your question. The achievement transformation of the competition is mainly reflected in three aspects: first, it directly promoted the improvement of staff's skill quality. Since 2003, the National Workers' Vocational Skills Competition has been successfully held for six times, attracting more than 65 million workers to participate in the competition, leading the majority of workers to promote training through competition and improve their skills through competition and training. During the "13th Five Year Plan" period alone, 114 million employees participated in skill competitions held by trade unions at all levels, and 4.056 million employees were promoted to technical levels through skill competitions. Second, it has further widened the channels for skilled workers to grow and become talents. As far as we know, the contestants who achieved excellent results in the previous skill competitions have now made good progress. For example, Jia Xiangdong, the welder champion of the fourth national competition, has gradually grown from a migrant worker to a senior welding technician, and has won more than 40 honors such as the National Model Worker and the National May Day Labor Medal. Xu Jiping, the champion of masonry workers in the sixth national contest, was invited to participate in the 70th anniversary float parade of the National Day and the 100th anniversary celebration of the founding of the Communist Party of China, because skilled personnel enjoy special subsidies from the Henan Provincial Government. Third, the improvement of skill level has brought about the increase of income. Generally speaking, the skill level of employees is positively related to their income. Those with high skill level will also have high income. As the main body of the social population, the income level of the majority of workers plays an important role in achieving common prosperity.

Zhao Yu: Skills make dreams come true, and skills change fate. It is the sublimation and transformation of my life to stand out from the skill contest. The improvement of my ability can also better create value for the enterprise and society. At the same time, I am more recognized and respected, and my income will also increase. Our Second Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology also has many outstanding colleagues who, like me, have won outstanding rankings by participating in the national competition. The unit has given special policies, such as solving the household registration problem through talent introduction, and obtaining exceptional promotion in professional title evaluation. The outstanding players have become the backbone talents of their respective units, full of sense of achievement and sense of gain.

thank you.

Wan Zhenli: Time, that's all for today's question. We sincerely welcome all the journalists to visit the competition in Chengdu. The General News Center will spare no effort to provide you with relevant services.

This is the end of the press conference. Thank you!

Source: All China Federation of Trade Unions

(Editor in charge: Cai Yuhe, Liu Tingting)

General Introduction