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Press Conference of "Labor Union Caring for Outdoor Workers"

11:21, July 23, 2021

Conference site

On the morning of July 22, the News Center of the All China Federation of Trade Unions held a press conference on "Trade Unions Caring for Outdoor Workers", introducing the work of the trade union in promoting the construction of outdoor workers' service sites, and answering questions from journalists.

Guests present: Zhang Xiaohui, spokesman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions and minister of the Propaganda and Education Department, Su Bin, minister of the Rights and Interests Protection Department of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Bi Guilan, the second level inspector of the Labor and Economic Work Department of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Wang Hailong, director of the Migrant Workers' Work Department of the Rights and Interests Protection Department of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Li Yuezhen, minister of the Postal Work Department of the China National Defense Postal and Telecommunications Union, secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Rizhao Li Denglai, Executive Vice President

Time: 2021-07-22


Zhang Xiaohui, spokesman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions and Minister of Publicity and Education, presided over the conference

Zhang Xiaohui: Good morning, media friends!

Today is the hot summer solar term among the 24 solar terms. Recently, extreme weather, such as high temperature and heavy rain, has occurred frequently around us. There are such a group of outdoor workers who are busy in the hot sun and high temperature, work hard in the storm, and serve our production and life with hard work and sweat.

In order to deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1" important speech, solidly promote the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses", and vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit, and craftsmanship, today we held a press conference of "Trade Unions Care for Outdoor Workers". Today's press conference was attended by comrade Su Bin, head of the Rights and Interests Protection Department of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Comrade Bi Guilan, the second level inspector of the Ministry of Labor and Economic Work, Comrade Wang Hailong, the director of the Migrant Workers' Work Division of the Ministry of Rights and Interests Protection, Comrade Li Yuezhen, the head of the Postal Work Department of the China National Defense Posts and Telecommunications Union, and Comrade Li Denglai, the secretary of the Party Leadership Group and executive vice chairman of the Rizhao Municipal Federation of Trade Unions of Shandong Province. Welcome to your visit.

Before the press conference, I would like to inform the trade union of its condolences to the stricken workers in Henan:

On July 20, Henan Province experienced extreme heavy rainfall, especially the rare continuous heavy rainfall process in Zhengzhou, which caused serious damage and huge losses to the lives and property of workers and the masses. The All China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) launched the disaster relief program of the trade union system at the first time, and allocated 2 million yuan to the Henan Federation of Trade Unions (Henan Federation of Trade Unions) in an emergency manner to console the affected workers. Recently, the Henan Federation of Trade Unions has set up a special working group to take charge of the whole province's trade union system's participation in flood control and disaster relief work, and arranged 4.3 million yuan of special disaster relief funds, together with 2 million yuan of funds allocated by the National Federation of Trade Unions, to subsidize the disaster stricken areas as soon as possible, mainly for emergency relief, transitional living subsidies, comfort and psychological comfort for the affected workers. The Henan Federation of Trade Unions requires trade unions at all levels to organize labor model volunteer service teams such as power emergency repair, communication guarantee and emergency rescue to carry out flood control and disaster relief operations. At the same time, they will timely make statistics and understand the situation of the affected workers, and organize and guide the affected workers to carry out post disaster reconstruction and production self-help work.

With regard to the concern and sympathy of the All China Federation of Trade Unions and trade unions at all levels for the victims of the disaster, we will timely inform our friends and news media.

Now let's invite Minister Su Bin to introduce the relevant situation of the trade union's promotion of the construction of outdoor labor service stations in recent years.

Su Bin, Minister of the Rights and Interests Protection Department of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, introduced the situation of the trade union promoting the construction of outdoor labor service stations

Su Bin: Good morning, media friends! Just now, Minister Zhang introduced that due to extreme weather in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, some outdoor workers have encountered some difficulties in life and production. We believe that with the common concern and help of the party and government at all levels and the people throughout the country, their production and life will resume as soon as possible. Today, I would like to introduce the work progress of the outdoor labor service site of the trade union.

In response to the practical problems of outdoor workers such as sanitation workers, such as "difficulty in eating, drinking, resting, and going to the toilet", in early 2016, the All China Federation of Trade Unions issued the Notice on Promoting the Construction of Service Stations for Outdoor Workers, requiring the federations of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government to rely on the labor union's help centers, stations, and social forces for workers in need to establish A service station system mainly targeting outdoor workers, such as taxi drivers, traffic police and couriers, encourages villages and towns (parks) where conditions permit to establish service stations, and promotes the improvement of working conditions of outdoor workers. In December of the same year, the All China Federation of Trade Unions held an on-site experience exchange and observation meeting in Guangxi on the work of the All China Federation of Trade Unions serving migrant workers and promoting the construction of outdoor worker service stations. In April 2019, the All China Federation of Trade Unions issued the Notice on Further Standardizing and Doing a Good Job in the Construction of Outdoor Labor Service Stations of Trade Unions, and held the awarding ceremony of "Outdoor Labor Service Stations · Labor Harbor" of the All China Federation of Trade Unions in Beijing and the launching ceremony of promoting the opening and sharing of service resources in the financial industry, summarizing the successful experience of cooperation between local trade unions and China Construction Bank in building stations, In the pilot financial system, we will explore ways to coordinate social resources by means of mutual identification and identification, and deepen the construction of outdoor labor service stations. In May 2020, based on sufficient research, the All China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) formulated and issued the Guiding Opinions on Regulating the Work Related to the Labor Union's Outdoor Labor Service Stations, which aims to work at the labor union's outdoor labor service stations, service objects and functions, construction principles and methods, construction standards, management rules, asset management and the use of related funds Make provisions on supervision, evaluation and assessment, and guide trade unions at all levels to further standardize and do a good job in related work.

In January 2021, Wang Dongming, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, went to Beijing to investigate the construction of the outdoor labor service station of the trade union, visit the model workers and needy workers, and give clear instructions on the construction of the service station. He pointed out that the labor union's outdoor labor service stations, such as the labor harbor, love relay station, warm heart relay station, and love relay station, are important platform carriers for serving workers. We should attach great importance to them, strive for support from all aspects, increase investment, build these platform carriers well, and give full play to their important role in serving the masses of workers. It is necessary to vigorously promote the typical experience and practices of CCB's "labor harbor" and Beijing Labor Union's "warm heart post station", build a number of service stations that meet the actual needs of outdoor workers according to local conditions, promote the realization of full blossom in various places, effectively help improve the working and rest conditions of outdoor workers, and strive to make the labor union's rights protection service more direct and in-depth Closer to the broad masses of workers.

The All China Federation of Trade Unions attaches great importance to the work related to outdoor workers' service stations. The main leaders of the party group and the secretariat of the All China Federation of Trade Unions have given instructions and instructions for many times. The annual work points of the All China Federation of Trade Unions and the annual work points of migrant workers of the All China Federation of Trade Unions have also made corresponding arrangements and put forward clear requirements. Trade unions at all levels, in accordance with the requirements of the deployment of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, unify their thinking, raise awareness, strengthen leadership, constantly improve the site planning, construction, operation, management, maintenance, financial support, evaluation, assessment, supervision and other related working mechanisms, and continue to make good use of the resources of trade unions, industry associations, social welfare organizations (foundations), caring enterprises and other parties, Support the working mode of site construction and development, explore the working method of leveraging trade union resources, attracting more social resources to the site, and promoting the site related work to achieve initial results by striving for fund subsidies, coordinating material allocation subsidies, excellent project display, typical experience publicity and guidance, etc. During this period, China Financial Trade Union promoted the joint construction and sharing of outdoor labor service stations, Beijing Federation of Trade Unions' staff warm heart relay station, Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions' outdoor worker love relay station, Guizhou Federation of Trade Unions' urban outdoor worker comprehensive service station, China Construction Bank's labor union worker harbor, Shandong Rizhao Federation of Trade Unions' 15 minute employee "service circle" emerged As well as the typical experience and cases of Yunnan Construction Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd.'s labor union's "Seven Ones" standard to promote the construction of staff stations. In particular, the Rizhao Federation of Trade Unions has built a "small relay station" to build a "big service", adhered to the "co construction, co governance and sharing" model, so that outdoor workers can "find" and "come in", and built the relay station to care for outdoor workers, a relay station to spread urban civilization, and a work station for trade unions to serve the masses of workers through sinking services. Chairman Li of Rizhao Labor Union is also here today, and you can ask him to give a detailed introduction later. According to our incomplete statistics, trade unions at all levels have integrated social resources, built 78217 outdoor workers' service stations by self construction, co construction and other means, and invested 938 million yuan in total, covering more than 59 million outdoor workers who mainly serve migrant workers.

Since this year, we have actively coordinated the efforts of all parties to promote more social resources to participate in the site work. On April 27, we, together with the China Finance and Trade Light Textile and Tobacco Union and Ali Local Life Service Company, jointly held the launch ceremony of the project of organizing and caring for takeaway riders and outdoor workers service site cooperation. The three parties signed the Memorandum of Cooperation to promote the cooperation of sites that meet the conditions of marking maps, and use Internet query tools such as Gaode Map to form an electronic map of site layout, Cooperate to carry out the project of "Labor Union Outdoor Labor Service Station · Blue Posthouse". On May 10, we, together with the China National Defense Posts and Telecommunications Union and China Telecom, jointly launched the public service brand of "Love Wing Station". 2889 first batch of business hall "Love Wing Station" zones have been built, basically covering all cities and counties in the country. On March 31, we guided the China Workers' Development Foundation to launch the social public offering of the "Workers' Posthouse (Harbor) Project", which has raised more than 600000 yuan and is planned to be launched in 3000 stations across the country. At the same time, the China Workers' Development Foundation, in cooperation with China Construction Bank, has established a public welfare platform for donation of "points to realize dreams" to help stations work through points donation, Up to now, 3.966 million donation points have been received accumulatively. We have also carried out special research on site work for many times to help local trade unions find and solve problems and difficulties encountered in their work in a timely manner, urge provincial trade unions to study and develop specific implementation measures in combination with the actual situation in their own regions, and timely carry out the work related to unified site identification, unified coding, location information entry and site map online. In order to further standardize and do a good job in site related work, the All China Federation of Trade Unions plans to launch 10000 of the most beautiful labor union outdoor service sites nationwide during the "14th Five Year Plan" period, and set up bonus and subsidy funds for site software and hardware upgrading and daily operation and maintenance, and the provincial and municipal trade unions will provide corresponding funds. In 2021, the All China Federation of Trade Unions plans to invest 7.5 million yuan, with a total investment of 50 million yuan in five years. By the end of 2025, the scale of new funds for the work of the national trade union system sites is expected to reach more than 150 million yuan. Through the tree pushing activity, it plays a leading and exemplary role to promote trade unions at all levels to increase policy support, work support and capital investment, guide external resources and social forces to concentrate their advantages to do well in site related work, and make trade union service brands real.

Next, we will continue to follow the work deployment of the Party Leadership Group and the Secretariat of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, pay close attention to the implementation of work, strengthen guidance to the subordinates, continue to promote trade unions at all levels to standardize and do a good job of work related to the outdoor labor service sites of trade unions, and continue to coordinate and guide more social resources into the site work. In the recent period, both financial institutions and social organizations have paid great attention to outdoor sites. The widespread attention of social media has created good conditions for us, and raised higher requirements on how trade unions are grounded and how to meet the needs of workers in terms of service projects and service quality. For example, continue to promote financial forces, integrate ICBC and other resources to carry out site construction, and incorporate ICBC post stations into the work system. Through the efforts of all parties, we will continue to consolidate the practical achievements of the outdoor worker service site, a trade union organization that performs the basic responsibility of rights protection services and deepens reform and innovation, and build the small site into a brand of trade union service for workers, and a platform to improve the working conditions of outdoor workers and serve outdoor worker groups; Establish the image of the trade union, highlight the trade union as a window and a link and bridge for the whole society to contribute love, transmit brand carrier, and transmit positive energy.

Thank you.

Zhang Xiaohui: Thanks to Minister Su Bin for his introduction on the construction of outdoor labor service stations. Now let's invite the reporter to ask questions. Before asking questions, please inform the media you work for.

Reporter of Science and Technology Daily: How can outdoor workers find these sites more easily? Especially the older outdoor workers who are not convenient to use the network?

Li Denglai, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Executive Vice Chairman of Rizhao Municipal Federation of Trade Unions of Shandong Province, answers questions from reporters

Li Denglai: In the past two years, we have carried out station construction and service work in accordance with the deployment requirements of the All China Federation of Trade Unions. For the convenience of outdoor workers, we have given priority to building post stations in areas and window units such as environmental and garden management stations, parks, public toilets, etc., most of which are near the street and the road, At present, all post stations can realize navigation and positioning through Qilu Gonghui mobile phone APP. However, some older outdoor workers are not familiar with the network and have difficulty finding the post station. For this reason, in the process of construction, we first designed eye-catching signs at the gate of the post station, and set up guide signs at the intersections along the street for easy viewing. The second is to scientifically plan the layout of the post station according to the requirements of meeting the "15 minute service circle", and strive to expand the coverage and facilitate finding. Third, the distribution map of some post stations is specially set up for workers to find. At the same time, we also regularly send the distribution map of the city's post stations to the environmental sanitation, urban management, garden, traffic police, express delivery and other units, so that outdoor workers can know the location of the post stations. thank you.

Li Yuezhen: The National Defense Posts and Telecommunications Union put the Love Posthouse on the WeChat public account of each express enterprise, so that more express workers can understand the Love Posthouse and use it. thank you.

Worker's Daily: As mentioned in the introduction just now, there are more than 78000 post stations. How can we ensure the normal operation and effective management of these post stations and really use them? Is there any idle situation?

Wang Hailong, Director of the Migrant Workers' Work Department of the Rights and Interests Protection Department of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, answers questions from reporters

Wang Hailong: At the beginning of the work, trade unions all over the country carried out detailed research, including site layout, population coverage, service scope, etc. In 2019, the All China Federation of Trade Unions organized some provinces and cities to carry out special research on further standardizing and doing a good job in site related work. The working principles of less investment, good management, easy replication and sustainability, and the working idea of "trade union led, social participation, co construction and sharing, pragmatic and efficient" were determined, and it was advocated to use existing social resources to establish sites. It should be said that it is still a process of standardizing the work of the site. We are also guiding local trade unions to do a good job in the evaluation, assessment and supervision of the site work, establish and improve the exit mechanism of unqualified sites, and ensure that the site really plays a role. thank you.

Su Bin: I would like to add that since the All China Federation of Trade Unions promoted this work in 2016, changes in various service models have brought many challenges to the construction of the site. Your question really fits this point. The site work requires us to make more efforts, understand the situation more deeply, and constantly adapt to the changes in the current economic model and business model, so that our site construction can keep pace with the pace of economic development and the needs of employees and practitioners. thank you.

Zhang Xiaohui: Please continue to ask questions.

Reporter from China National Radio and Television Corporation: I want to ask a question. After many outdoor workers' post stations are built, some outdoor workers are unwilling to go in or dare not go in for a rest. How can we solve this problem? For example, some outdoor workers don't know what the situation is when they see the post stations built by banks and other financial departments, so they dare not go in for a rest. How can we solve this practical problem?

Li Denglai: The reason why migrant workers dare not enter is because they are afraid of being left out, and the reason why they do not want to enter is because they are afraid of not getting help. For this reason, we have highlighted the respect for workers in the construction of the post station. Set up the background and pictures of advocating labor and respecting workers in the post station, play short films of advanced deeds of model workers and craftsmen, create a strong atmosphere of the most beautiful and glorious labor, and let workers feel that this post station is specially built for them and is a place where they can enjoy services. We also created the MV Love Posthouse, which was broadcast in the posthouse and the mainstream media to improve the awareness of the whole society, so that the majority of outdoor workers have a sense of pride, identity, and belonging, can enter and are willing to enter the posthouse to receive services. In addition, in terms of service content, we are constantly expanding. The Love Posthouse is not only about building, but also about how to play a role in providing them with practical services. To tell the truth, when we contact outdoor workers, we feel that they are the group most in need of attention. As the parents of employees, the trade union organization has the obligation and responsibility to care for outdoor workers, and we feel that with the progress of social civilization, more and more caring enterprises and caring people are willing to take the initiative to join this team. We rely on this post station to increase the attraction of the post station by carrying out a variety of services and expanding the service content, so that outdoor workers can get in and enjoy the service. In addition to meeting the basic services of outdoor workers such as normal rest, cooling, toileting, drinking water and reading, we regularly collect the needs and micro wishes of outdoor workers, and carry out targeted activities to care for workers, making the post more attractive. For example, lawyers regularly carry out legal advisory services in the post station, psychological consultants regularly go to the post station to carry out psychological service activities, domestic companies go to the post station to hold infant care and cooking training, and model workers regularly go to the post station to communicate with workers to promote the spirit of labor and model workers. Through these activities, the post station will become a warm heart station for outdoor workers, a relay station for social love forces, and a work station for trade unions to serve workers and the masses. thank you.

Su Bin: Some time ago, Focus Interview conducted an interview on this topic, which mentioned that many outdoor workers were unwilling to enter. At the beginning of 2016, when we began to build the outdoor workers' site, there were similar things. It was really embarrassing that most outdoor workers did not dare to enter, and they were unwilling to enter. We have also made a lot of efforts, such as strengthening the construction of outdoor workers' organizations, making our site service projects as close to their needs as possible on the basis of organizational coverage. Second, make our site closer to them in terms of logo, content and environment. While sharing resources with some financial institutions, we also put forward corresponding requirements for social institutions and public welfare institutions, hoping that they will open the door and provide services indiscriminately, especially in the evaluation system and supervision system. Now, there are still problems that people are unwilling to enter and dare not enter. This also requires more attention from media friends and more help from social forces, so that the majority of workers have more sense of gain and the site is closer to outdoor workers. Thank you.

Wang Hailong: Now there are more than 70000 sites, each of which has a different form. We have 24-hour operating stations and unattended stations. Many stations adjust their operating hours according to the working hours of outdoor workers. Let's take this opportunity to tell the vast number of outdoor workers that the gate of the trade union site is always open for you, especially in the extreme weather like Zhengzhou, our site is basically equipped with umbrellas, rain gear and emergency medicine, which can protect you from wind and rain. thank you.

People's Daily: I would like to ask how the trade union plans to do a good job of outdoor labor security for the new employment groups such as delivery workers and express boys, for example, how to pay their high-temperature allowance?

Bi Guilan, the second level inspector of the Labor and Economic Work Department of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, answers questions from reporters

Bi Guilan: Let me answer this question. In 2012, the State Administration of Work Safety, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the All China Federation of Trade Unions and other four departments formulated the Measures for the Administration of Heatstroke Prevention Measures, which put forward requirements for employers with high-temperature operations and high-temperature weather operations to strengthen labor protection measures, and made specific provisions on the conditions and forms of high-temperature subsidies, It also clarifies the responsibilities of relevant departments of governments at all levels and trade union organizations to strengthen the supervision and supervision of relevant work.

The All China Federation of Trade Unions issues a notice every June to deploy heatstroke prevention for workers. In this year's Notice, it was particularly emphasized that we should focus on key groups, take truck drivers, online car hailing drivers, couriers, delivery delivery workers and other newly employed workers as the main service objects, and carry out in-depth summer service activities for employees. It includes:

First, conscientiously perform the supervision responsibilities entrusted to trade unions by law. Supervise the employing units to implement the provisions of the Management Measures, improve the working conditions and working environment, reasonably arrange the working time, provide necessary protective equipment, pay high temperature allowance as required, and urge them to implement the main responsibility of heatstroke prevention.

The second is to incorporate heatstroke prevention into democratic management. Through the workers' congress and other forms, on behalf of the staff and workers, we conducted equal consultation with the employer on labor protection matters in hot weather, and coordinated to solve the practical difficulties of the front-line staff and workers in hot weather.

The third is to do a good job in providing services for employees to spend summer safely. Closely combine the learning and education of Party history and the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses", go deep into the grassroots and enterprises, and understand the demands of employees; Guide local trade unions to take multiple measures to carry out "cool and refreshing" activities with the main contents of delivering materials, culture, policies, health, safety and training. thank you.

Surging journalists: Recently, extreme weather, such as high temperature and rainstorm, has alternated. Do express workers, who travel around every day, have special care for them? Can they get high temperature allowance on time?

Li Yuezhen, Head of the Postal Department of the China National Defense Posts and Telecommunications Union, answers questions from reporters

Li Yuezhen: The All China Federation of Trade Unions attaches great importance to the care of express workers. In recent years, the All China Federation of Trade Unions and trade unions at all levels, when carrying out the work of "delivering cool food in summer", have insisted on focusing on the group of express delivery workers, taking various ways such as allocating special funds, promoting heatstroke prevention and temperature lowering products, and going deep into the website for condolences, and trying to send "special love" to the heart of express delivery workers.

A few days ago, seven departments, including the State Post Office and the All China Federation of Trade Unions, jointly issued the Opinions on Ensuring the Legal Rights and Interests of the Group of Couriers, which clearly stated that "guide express enterprises and trade union organizations to increase investment, and promote the integrated construction of grassroots outlets".

I would also like to take this opportunity to briefly introduce the connotation of "meeting, station and home" to all media friends. Meeting is to standardize the establishment of trade unions and organize couriers; The station is to improve the service facilities of the network, build a "love station" that takes into account both inside and outside, and attract the courier and other groups; Home is to build the staff's home beside the courier, so that the courier can blow the air conditioner and take a bath, have access to the Internet and books, and stabilize the courier. According to incomplete statistics, at present, more than 600 "unions, stations and homes" have been established in the national express enterprise trade unions. Shunfeng, Yuantong, Shentong, etc. have also gradually opened "meeting, station, home" to outdoor workers such as sanitation workers and delivery workers. Shunfeng alone has more than 230 "love stations" open to the society throughout the network. Baishi Express, together with Zhejiang Branch of China Construction Bank, will work together to serve outdoor workers. This year, Baishi Express plans to carry out a summer outdoor worker care action at more than 10000 stations nationwide.

At the same time, the All China Federation of Trade Unions and local trade unions at all levels also urged enterprises to strictly implement the high-temperature allowance policy through research and supervision. It is understood that head express enterprises can generally provide high-temperature subsidies to front-line express workers.

Express delivery connects you, me and him. Taking this opportunity, we also want to appeal to the whole society through you: give more love to the diligent "little bees" - couriers, and work together as creators and guardians of a better life. thank you.

Zhang Xiaohui: Last question, please ask the reporter.

Legal Daily: Now there are many service stations for outdoor workers. How can we carry out standardization and standardization construction to guide local areas to better serve outdoor workers?

Wang Hailong: In May 2020, the All China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) formulated and issued the Guiding Opinions on Regulating the Work Related to the Trade Union's Outdoor Laborer Service Station, which stipulates the service objects and functions, construction principles and methods, construction standards, management rules, use of relevant funds, supervision, evaluation and assessment of the site. In particular, the "six haves" standard for site construction is required, namely, there are unified logo names, reasonable site layout, sound service facilities, perfect service functions, standardized management systems, and maps to check. At present, the provincial and municipal (county and district) level trade unions and stations bear their own responsibilities. The provincial trade unions plan as a whole, and the municipal (county and district) level trade unions organize and implement the plan. Each station determines a manager or team to ensure the safe and orderly operation of the station, so that they can better serve the vast number of outdoor workers. thank you.

Su Bin: The first thing to care about when serving outdoor workers is that the media care is very important. These outdoor workers solve the difficulty of the last mile of our life. Site construction is a new thing, which needs the attention, care and supervision of all sectors of society and the media. Only if we work together to build a loving and warm home for our outdoor workers, can workers who serve our lives have a love and affection for society. Only in this way can they work hard for their own life value in a loving environment, so as to make this society more full of feelings and love. I hope that media friends will pay more attention to this group, shout more for us, and provide more good opinions and suggestions for the site we have built to serve the vast number of outdoor workers, such a home, to jointly care for our loving society. Thank you for your concern for this group, and thank you for your concern for the work of the trade union. thank you.

Zhang Xiaohui: Due to time constraints, that's all for today's question.

Dear journalists, the vast number of outdoor workers use simple actions and hard sweat to ensure the normal operation of society and bring us a more convenient and comfortable life. They fully reflect the most glorious, noble, greatest and beautiful social ethos of labor, and fully reflect the worship of labor, love of labor, hard work The spirit of honest labor. Here, we hope to appeal to all sectors of society to give more respect, more understanding and more care to the hardworking outdoor workers through friends from journalists. At the same time, we also hope that through the joint efforts of trade union organizations at all levels and the vast number of news media, journalists and friends, outdoor workers can enter our site to enjoy services, and build the outdoor workers service station into a brand of trade union services for outdoor workers, and build the home of vocational workers around outdoor workers.

Finally, I would like to thank all the journalists and the hardworking outdoor workers. This is the end of today's press conference. Thank you.

Source: All China Federation of Trade Unions

(Editor in charge: Cai Yuhe, Liu Tingting)

General Introduction