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Home decoration business

The leading online media platform in China's pan home furnishing industry, with high-quality content to achieve influence, helps to make a better home life! Provide professional media communication services for building materials and furniture enterprises, home stores, decoration companies, design institutions, etc., and simultaneously empower end consumers to provide professional knowledge and information for the vast number of home consumers.

Sohu Focus Home is a quality home platform under Sohu Focus. Sohu Focus Home was founded in April 2002 and has been focusing on providing high-quality home services for users for 21 years.

On September 1, 2019, Sohu Focus Home comprehensively revised, officially upgraded its service, provided users with a large number of home beauty pictures, design cases, decoration diaries, decoration strategies and other information, and gathered excellent decoration companies, designers and foremen to settle in for free to provide users with one-stop home decoration solutions.

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