[New book] The protagonist of "Xiao Zhanchu Yu Wan Shakes His Voice"

Many book friends are chasing a novel called Xiao Zhanchu Yu Wan Diaoyin recently. It is a modern romantic novel written by the author on a big wave. The content of the novel is still very interesting and good. I hope you can like this novel. She just took a bath, Su

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Moonlight intoxicates distant travelers, and mountain flowers are blooming.

Lack of Strength - [New Book] "The Beginning of Mastery"

 [New book] Xiao Zhanchu Yu Wan

How to disband your own WeChat group? How to establish WeChat groups?

In the process of using WeChat, it is possible to accidentally create a group or want to disband some groups, which involves how to disband WeChat groups and how to disband group chat after the creation of WeChat groups. However, just deleting and exiting cannot really dissolve the group. How can we really dissolve the group? Here's a brief introduction: Take the IOS system WeChat 6.6.0 version as an example, and the operator must be the group leader of the WeChat group

Poetry about plants (100 ancient poems about flowers and plants)

Poems about plants (100 ancient poems about flowers and plants) Six beautiful poems about flowers, trees and hibiscus Appreciation and reading: The newly opened cold dew cluster is far more than the lotus in the red pond in Shuijian, which has withered around the Mid Autumn Festival. It is certainly a strange enjoyment to leave the dry lotus to listen to the rain, but in the Mid Autumn Festival, people are still willing to see the green trees, so the dry lotus in the urban gardens has been removed, Leave clear water. Like Sister Lin in the Dream of Red Mansions, it is not appropriate to look at the taste of residual lotus

Chinese classics (ten books that must be read in life)

And now there are more and more films and TV plays adapted from famous works in the market. They even occupy our memory more than the famous works themselves. But if you want to really understand the scenic spots, you must read these four famous books. They are the most familiar and favorite of people from all walks of life in China. This is an admirable experience. From 2000 to 2009, he copied the four famous Chinese novels, Dream of the Red Chamber, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and Journey to the West of the Water Margin in small script. He used more than 100 brushes and copied hundreds of them

Eternal Fame - Things that used to hurt your heart and lungs become memories

 [New book] Xiao Zhanchu Yu Wan

You were always in my heart before, but when you left, my heart also left.