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We have brought you several short video analysis and download websites to support more video platforms. It specifically supports B station, Tiao Yin, microblog, watermelon video, Zhihu, Today Headlines, etc. The website supports different video platform portals. Generally, you can directly select intelligent recognition, copy and paste the video link to be downloaded, and click to start parsing.

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Tf card encryption method tf card repair tool mobile app introduction - technical article

Mother's rap machine was full of songs. She wanted to sing and dance, so she let me download it. I just want to download some story telling and drama resources for free and copy them to TF memory card. Insert the TF card into the computer. See the figure below. It is data encrypted. God, I'm angry. I can't handle the record player I bought. I can't bear it! The TF card is encrypted in the whole process of decoding. I also found some ways to decipher on the Internet. Some said that the mobile phone software can be loaded with data repair, and some said that it can be copied and loaded into a new TF card. I didn't try this, because I can't install TF card on my phone. Then I

How many decimal digits of float - seven significant digits in detail - technical article

To better illustrate the floating point type, we use float, double and long double. Any difference? Double precision is twice the precision of floating-point numbers. The floating-point type is a 32-bit IEEE 754 single precision floating-point type 1-bit marker (8-bit refers to the value, 23 * refers to the scalar value), that is, the floating-point type has 7-bit decimal data precision. Double is a 64 bit IEEE 754 double precision floating-point type (1 bit for mark, 11 bits for exponent value, 52 * bits for value), that is, double has a precision of 15 decimal places. Let's take an example: for the quadratic

Excel calculation date days formula - teach you to calculate date days - technical article

Data information is a particularly critical kind of data information in Excel, and many analyses depend on the measurement of data information. However, most Excel customers do not understand the method of date measurement. Summarized the common date measurement scenarios and corresponding calculation methods in daily work. In combination with practice, this method can be applied immediately in case of similar conditions. You can also study this method carefully and scientifically, which will be very helpful for you to understand and grasp the data processing methods of Excel. Basic knowledge about dates. First, you must prepare for the basic knowledge about dates in Excel. Date=scalar value. In E

Linux New File Command (Basic Linux Knowledge) - Technical Article

What is a Linux exchange file? Swap files allow Linux to simulate disk space as memory. When your system starts to run out of memory, it will use swap space to swap some of the memory to disk space. This frees up memory and serves more important processes. When memory is free again, it exchanges data back from the disk. I suggest reading this article to learn more about swap space on Linux. Traditionally, swap space is a separate partition on a disk. When installing Linux, you only need to create a separate partition to exchange. But this trend

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